Wir schaffen Raum für genussvolle Erlebnisse: Als innovative Gastronomie- und Hotelmanagement-Gruppe mit schweizweit rund 300 Restaurationsbetrieben und einem schnellwachsenden Hotelportfolio möchten wir unsere Gäste Tag für Tag mit kulinarischen Erlebnissen und gelebter Gastfreundschaft überraschen. Dabei setzen wir auf Menschen und auf die Kraft guter Teams.
Wir bieten unseren Mitarbeiter:innen ein soziales, unterstützendes und herausforderndes Arbeitsumfeld. Das Thema Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Arbeitsleben liegen uns als Arbeitgeberin besonders am Herzen. Daher unterstützen wir gelernte wie auch ungelernte Kräfte bei geregelten und familientauglichen Arbeitszeiten.
Du zeichnest dich aus durch deine Herzlichkeit, deine initiative Herangehensweise, die kompetente Ausführung der Aufgaben sowie durch deinen verantwortlichen Umgang mit allen Ressourcen? Dann sollten wir uns kennen lernen! Menschen wie dir, die täglich ihr Bestes geben und uns vorwärtsbringen, fühlen wir uns tief verbunden. Ihnen bieten wir viel Raum, sich zu entfalten. Du mit uns. Ein Erfolgsrezept.
Interessiert? Wir freuen uns auf dich.
Die SV Group wurde mit dem Label Friendly Work Space ausgezeichnet.
The working atmosphere at SV is great. I've met some great colleagues. Everyone is very friendly, warm and authentic.
This could be improved
The cooperation with the individual CH cantons could be even better.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Family friendly company
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Former employeePermanent
09 June 2021June 2021
This works well in the company
I had a lot of freedom in the company because my numbers were always good, so mainly the productivity and the cost of goods. I could make my own working hours as long as everything worked.
This could be improved
The company claims to be family friendly but that is not the case!
In other companies there are family allowances in addition to the child benefit and if the child is sick more than once a year, which may be 2-3 times with children, you have a conversation with the HR.
The dismissals at the Covid time were not made with a social program or mass dismissal (with the offices) but the first wave of dismissals were sorted out those who have had any entries in the last 5 years it would then be looked closely at whether any of it is still to be used and that was then used to dismiss.
Only the numbers are relevant as the shareholders want to see their money so I don't really see a non profit business.
In the qualification interviews for a few years is always looked that the employees are not so well evaluated that was also an instruction from above but we were never told why?
Translated from German
Comment this review
Unsatisfactory guidance
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
12 December 2020December 2020
This works well in the company
The quality management system is certainly excellent in companies with at least 3 permanent employees. In companies with only one full-time employee and temporary workers, the QMS becomes a big burden. Lists, forms, documentation.....
If the whole QMS responsibility is with only one person, it is difficult to manage cooking, serving, washing up, cleaning, administrative tasks and the countless lists.
This could be improved
I had very bad experiences during the introduction to the new job. I am sure there is still a lot of room for improvement. My superiors made themselves very rare, difficult to reach. One felt left alone.