Die Universität Basel ist eine Hochschule von internationalem Ruf, welche in Forschung und Lehre hervorragende Leistungen erbringt. Gegründet 1460, kann sie als älteste Universität der Schweiz auf eine über 550-jährige erfolgreiche Geschichte zurückblicken.
Als Volluniversität mit einem breiten, qualitativ hochstehenden Bildungsangebot zieht sie Studierende aus der Schweiz und der ganzen Welt an und bietet ihnen ausgezeichnete Studienbedingungen auf Bachelor-, Master- und Doktoratsebene. Heute zählt die Universität Basel rund 13'000 Studierende aus über hundert Nationen, darunter rund 3000 Doktorierende.
In ihren sieben Fakultäten pflegt die Universität Basel ein breites Spektrum an wissenschaftlichen Fachbereichen. Aufgrund ihrer Forschungsleistungen wird die Universität Basel in internationalen Rankings regelmässig zu den 100 besten Hochschulen der Welt gezählt.
Die Universität Basel ist in der ökonomisch starken und kulturell reichen Region Basel fest verankert und arbeitet eng mit nationalen und internationalen Partnern zusammen, um relevante Beiträge an die Entwicklung von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft leisten zu können. Dazu gehört auch, dass die Universität Basel Aspekten der Nachhaltigkeit, der Chancengleichheit und des Wissenstransfers besondere Beachtung schenkt.
Useless application process & non-existent communication
Job description
Application process
Personalized answer
Response time
03 May 2023May 2023
This works well in the company
Could not figure out what is going well in the company. Regarding the application process, it is not going well.
This could be improved
The whole application process of the Uni BS would need to be improved.
Experienced application process:
- Application submitted according to job posting and profile created in electr. application tool. =>Automated confirmation email received.
- After 1.5 months without any info (invitation or rejection), simple inquiry by email about the status of the application to the specified contact person. =>No answer.
- After 2.5 months without info, simple request by email to HR management (email is forwarded to HR internally). =>No answer.
- After 3 months without info, request by email (incl. feedback) to HR incl. previous persons. =>No answer.
Then (3 months 14 T after application) came a phone with many many apologies regarding missing answers and in a side sentence it was casually mentioned that someone else got the job.
Until today (4 months), the electronic application tool still says "in process".
Translated from German
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Flexible working hours
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Former employeeLimited
26 July 2019July 2019
This works well in the company
Well organized and structured within the DBM.
Good working atmosphere with colleagues and students.
Relatively flexible working hours.
This could be improved
Partially obsolete approaches, especially as far as laboratory protocols are concerned.
Leadership style questionable and in need of improvement or change.
At least in my group, hardly any of the employees really agreed with the management.
More openness for staff appraisals and changes would be good.
Better arrangement of the workload especially for beginners.
Translated from German
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Friendly but long application process
Job description
Application process
Personalized answer
Response time
15 February 2019February 2019
This works well in the company
There was an application deadline and I think that's very good because you can usually get a good idea of when the interviews will start. I immediately received a personal acknowledgement of receipt of my application. The application was submitted by e-mail. The exchange was open and friendly.
This could be improved
Unfortunately, the entire application process took about 3 months. I asked after one month and received a personal and detailed answer. Apparently, the University of Basel has received a very large number of applications.
Conclusion: Plan enough time for the application process.
Suggestion for improvement: Shorten application deadline a little or give continuous feedback - 1 month is very generous if you consider that only after that all applications are looked at/evaluated. Or describe the application process more clearly so that the applicant knows what he is getting into.