Die Kramer Gastronomie AG ist ein Familienbetrieb mit einzigartigen Restaurants im Herzen von Zürich. Wir bieten allen Feinschmeckern eine Vielzahl von Locations und kulinarischen Angeboten – egal ob für ein exquisites Nachtessen oder für einen schnellen Business-Lunch.
Von Anfang an stand bei der Kramer Gastronomie AG die Leidenschaft und Liebe zum Essen im Zentrum. 1993 packte Christian Kramer die Chance und eröffnete in Zürich das neuartige amerikanische Burger-Restaurant Zic Zac. Dies war der Startschuss für viele weitere erfolgreiche Restaurant-Eröffnungen und ein ständig wachsendes Familienunternehmen mit einem umfangreichen Angebot an kulinarischen Highlights.
Heute sind wir ein Team von 300 Mitarbeitenden mit vielen Restaurants, Bars, einer Brauerei, Eventmanagement und einem Hotel.
Ein tolles Team ist das Zünglein an der Waage, wenn es um Erfolg und Misserfolg geht. Deshalb stecken wir alle unsere Energie darin, die besten Mitarbeitenden zu finden – und sie auch bei uns zu halten. Wenn du Teil dieser Familie werden möchtest, erwartet dich ein Team, das mit viel Freude und Engagement bei der Arbeit ist. Unsere Werte sind uns dabei sehr wichtig und stehen im Zentrum unserer täglichen Arbeit.
Cooperation with employees was good. Unfortunately I cannot say more because I was in the company for too short a time.
This could be improved
Clearer and more honest communication on the executive floor. Probably just had bad luck, was not properly trained and then the chef was kicked out. After a few months I was also given notice for lack of work.
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A great employer in Zurich
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
06 June 2020June 2020
This works well in the company
As a long-standing employee of Kramer Gastronomie, I can proudly say that I still enjoy working here in the times of Corona!
To anticipate the bad evaluations, we were well looked after during the crisis and we were constantly kept up to date on how things are going. Kramer Gastronomie AG has also solved the issue of short-time work! We are now alternately on short-time work and are allowed to work in between until the situation returns to normal. This is good for the mind, as well as for the employees, so that there are as few redundancies as possible.
Of course you have to be a little flexible during this time.
Personally, I feel very much at home in the company!
The working atmosphere in our team is also very good.
I am looking forward to the further cooperation.
This could be improved
Now and then communication leaves a little bit to be desired, but that's not surprising in a company of this size.
Transparency is given and if you have a deadline, you can always go to your superior, who will then take the time to take your concerns seriously.
Translated from German
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catering for the staff
Current employee
10 September 2018September 2018
Kramer's wages for food and drink were deducted, but 90% we don't get food. Even when we ask for food there was scolding!!