"Die Freude an echtem Miteinander zu brauen, um eine bessere Welt zu inspirieren", das ist unser Ziel bei HEINEKEN. So ist Vielfalt in Geschlecht, ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Alter, sexuelle Orientierung, religiöse Überzeugung, Nationalität, soziale Herkunft, Behinderung und Denkweise ein zentraler Bestandteil davon. Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass Menschen, die so vielfältig sind wie unsere Braukunst – unser Leben bereichern und unser Unternehmen stärken. Wir begrüßen und berücksichtigen Bewerbungen von allen qualifizierten Kandidaten, da wir uns für eine Kultur der Zugehörigkeit einsetzen, die faire und gleiche Chancen für alle bietet.
Excellent good team spirit between some employees to keep smile in hard days
This could be improved
I spent few years in this company, what a deception… no chance to come back here
A lot of promesses at the beginning and what a disappointment from my managers that made me leave… to tired, to stressful…
A team of managers well below the expectations of customers and employees :
No more communication between some essential services because managers just think about theirselve.
The teams in the depots and the sales are abandoned and have no encouragement from their managers
salary are also lacking.
No wage panel and overall low wages for more and more work especially for 2 years, many people have left … too much
Translated from French
Comment this review
a great employer !
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
17 August 2020August 2020
This works well in the company
A great company with great employees, you can contribute your own ideas and you are supported and get a lot of responsibility (if you want it!)
This could be improved
You are challenged and that is good - performance is recognised, but you have to deliver it.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Bad working atmosphere and bosses who only look for themselves.
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Former employeePermanent
17 July 2020July 2020
This works well in the company
No more. Unfortunately before the Heineken time everything was fine with the Calanda brewery.
This could be improved
Dealing with long-serving employees. The Moor, if he doesn't get to 100
% percent works out his guilt is done.