Die FOPPA AG mit Hauptsitz in Zizers (Tardisland) ist ein selbstständiges Familienunternehmen und zählt zu den leistungsfähigsten Anbietern von Entrauchungsanlagen, Feuerwehrmaterial, mobilen Löscheinrichtungen und Brandschutzartikeln.
Zusammen mit namhaften Herstellern entwickeln wir Lösungen, welche exakt dem Bedürfnis unserer Kundschaft entsprechen. Sonderlösungen und Sonderanfertigungen sind eine unserer Spezialitäten. Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit zeichnen unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen aus. Wir sind in unserer Branche schweizweit als innovative und eine der qualitativ führenden Firmen anerkannt. In Zusammenarbeit mit Behörden und Interessenverbänden gestalten wir Branchenstandards aktiv mit.
Unsere rund 85 Mitarbeiter sind täglich mit viel Herzblut für unsere Kunden im Einsatz. Alle Foppaianer sind stolz hinter der Marke Foppa stehen zu können und schätzen, dass sie eigenverantwortlich und sehr selbständig arbeiten können. Wir pflegen einen offenen und wertschätzenden Umgang über alle Hierarchiestufen und haben stets ein offenes Ohr füreinander. Jeder ist wichtig!
Erfahre mehr über unsere Kultur, unsere Werte und unsere Benefits auf foppa.ch.
I have already gained experience in various companies and can assess the different starting situations well.
In good conscience, I can say that FOPPA is the best employer I have ever had. Basically, the eye of the beholder is well positioned, but for me it fits very well, because the working atmosphere is great, the openness of employees and superiors is given at all times. There is an open and fair communication and the door to the bosses is always open, even for topics that occupy you on a personal level and actually have nothing to do with the job. I appreciate that because I know it differently. In addition to the human and personal aspects, we are always motivated, valued and encouraged as employees. Working independently in the FOPPA team is great fun and I can take on responsibility in my area.
We have access to a top modern infrastructure and stand as people with our uniqueness in the centre. So that we are well we have daily access to fresh fruits, water, mineral water, coffee and that for free. In addition, we can benefit from our in-house health management, which is good for our health by showing us in various workshops or courses how to deal with everyday problems.
So I can't understand how such negative comments come about, because I can't confirm them at all.
The nice thing is, I can stand behind it so firmly that I can say without further ado: if you don't believe it, come and see us. And I can and may do that as a normal employee.
This could be improved
It's nice that every opinion counts, but it also slows down everyday life.
Translated from German
Employer comment
24 May 2019May 2019
Thank you very much for your positive comment. I am very happy that you are perceived as a person with us and that you feel well. Yes, "every opinion counts" is sometimes inefficient, it should be "sporty" in the positive sense.
Marco Furrer, Managing Director and co-owner
Translated from German
No answer
Job description
Application process
Personalized answer
Response time
26 April 2019April 2019
This works well in the company
Can't answer the question because I'm not employed.
Perhaps the order situation is good that the company is looking for some people.
This could be improved
After the application I was told that I would hear something from the company in a week. 3 weeks later I had no answer from the company.
Find it a little strange that all good reviews are about 3 months back.
Translated from German
Employer comment
30 April 2019April 2019
It really shouldn't happen that we don't keep our word for over two weeks. I regret that very much and would be grateful for a short message on m.furrer@foppa.ch that I can pursue this case.
Reviews about 3 months back: A comment at that time went like a wave through our lounge. Many employees have been very disturbed, both by the evaluation and by the comments.
Marco Furrer, Managing Director and co-owner
Translated from German
Very good, good, bad or underground! Question ex. MA
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Former employeePermanent
02 April 2019April 2019
This works well in the company
Strong employee structure, very good order situation. Three good pillars... //
This could be improved
It's been 2-3 years since I was employed at Foppa AG. What does not surprise me is that also here each bad evaluation by "so-called freiwillige Bewertungen" is
should improve the rating.
Translated from German
Employer comment
04 April 2019April 2019
I regret that you do not have your time with us in good memory.
Marco Furrer, managing director and co-owner