Meine ESA
'Meine ESA' bedeutet für uns, dass wir bestrebt sind, die Dienstleistungen und Produktangebote im Dialog mit unseren Mitinhabern laufend zu analysieren und stetig zu verbessern. Jeder Mitinhaber ist ein Teil der ESA und wird auch so behandelt. Wir legen besonderen Wert auf eine faire und menschliche Zusammenarbeit. Denn nur zusammen sind wir stark!
Bei uns stehen rund 600 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter an verschiedenen Standorten in der ganzen Schweiz im Einsatz. Darunter auch zahlreiche Auszubildende, welche in den unterschiedlichsten Berufen, wie beispielsweise Kauffrau/-mann, Logistiker/in, Detailhandelsfachfrau/-mann und Informatiker/-in ausgebildet werden.
Good and reliable employer that invests in the future.
This could be improved
Partly certainly in the infrastructure and in promoting the health of employees.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Great team spirit and lots of opportunities
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
05 November 2024November 2024
This works well in the company
Very good employer, fair social benefits, collegial atmosphere. Support from superiors when things aren't going well. Those who are willing and show commitment can advance. The company is open to employees' wishes for further training and supports them in this. Flexible working is possible. The overall package is right for me and I feel comfortable at ESA.
This could be improved
Salary is fair but could be improved. Time recording is unfortunately outdated.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Career opportunities for committed people
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
04 November 2024November 2024
This works well in the company
This company offers excellent opportunities for committed employees. Anyone who shows performance and makes a contribution is actively encouraged and supported. Here you can develop yourself further and contribute ideas for implementation.
This could be improved
The company doesn't seem so modern, although the infrastructure and systems are modern. Buildings need to be renovated or renewed. The openness that I experience must be noticeable across all departments.