Takko Fashion hat sich seit seiner Gründung 1982 zu einem erfolgreichen internationalen Smart Discounter mit fast 1.900 Filialen in 17 Ländern entwickelt. Wir bauen diese Position nachhaltig aus und setzen weiter auf Wachstum. Es sind dabei vor allem die Menschen hinter der Marke, unsere engagierten Mitarbeiter, die das Gesicht von Takko Fashion in den vergangenen 36 Jahren maßgeblich geprägt haben. Fast 18.000 Menschen arbeiten in unterschiedlichen Bereichen bei Takko Fashion: in unserer Firmenzentrale, an den einzelnen Logistikstandorten, in unseren einzelnen Beschaffungs- und Länderbüros und natürlich in unseren Filialen. Unser Bedarf an qualifizierten Fach- und Führungskräften wächst konstant, denn wir sind ein stark expandierendes Unternehmen und schaffen kontinuierlich neue Arbeitsplätze.
Everything is going very well.
Best employer I've ever had.
This could be improved
Nowhere, everything is fine the way it is.
Would never leave the company voluntarily.
Very good team cohesion. Also from branch to branch.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Highly recommended, great employer
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeeInternship
30 January 2021January 2021
This works well in the company
Fair employment conditions, good and familiar atmosphere, well organized
This could be improved
I have nothing to complain about. For me the best employer in the retail trade
Translated from German
Comment this review
It's not always the boss shit!!
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
29 June 2019June 2019
This works well in the company
Takko gives all career changers a fair chance to be able to show ????
This could be improved
More permanent positions....
then the usable employees wouldn't leave us so quickly.
The others one or other where with Takko as an employer are not satisfied... are unfortunately mostly the ... where ever only demand but too little performance., or show no business interest. LEIDER!!
In this case, the boss always sucks????.
Without giving, there's no taking!!! It's just ... to collect the salary at the end of the month ... but sometimes such criticism belongs to life!!!
And the most important ... ...the payer still has the say!!!!!