Was 2009 aus einer engen Zusammenarbeit dreier Architekten ihren Anfang nahm, ist heute ein kompetenter Player im Bereich Baumanagement und Werkplanung in der Schweiz. Bei HSSP bündeln über 35 Fachkräfte ihre Fähigkeiten mit dem Ziel, ihre Kundschaft praxisnah und verlässlich von der Projektidee über die Werkplanung bis zu den Garantiearbeiten zu unterstützen. HSSP arbeitet lösungs-, ziel- und ergebnisorientiert, handelt respektvoll und zeigt dabei stets grosse Passion für die Architektur. Unser Schaffen hat Hand und Fuss.
Wir arbeiten mit Weitsicht, Voraussicht und Detailblick, verlieren dabei jedoch nie den Überblick.
Nothing worth mentioning.
Since the remuneration is unacceptable, no specialists are interested in this UN. TU people keep their hands off it - says it all.
This could be improved
This company is "frantically" looking for new employees.
As an employee you have to take over some projects, because the "Milchbüebli" calculation of the GL only allows this.
The orders are offered / obtained too favorable - corresponding salary....
I will also leave this company soon.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Part-time possible and with own initiative exciting projects
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
13 January 2023January 2023
This works well in the company
Flat decision-making processes, great team and supervisors, exciting projects with many different architects
This could be improved
at the moment things are going well and don't see the need to change anything.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Exciting company
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
25 September 2020September 2020
This works well in the company
Wide scope for action to achieve the goals
Fair and solution-oriented dealings with employees
Part time workload possible
This could be improved
Cooperation within the team / tolerance towards colleagues