Follow-up services are only partially counted as working time. The payroll system is obsolete and created without salary adjustments. Overtime is paid at the normal hourly rate. The replacement and additional services are not rewarded and therefore it is always the same who are affected as most of the additional work is done in an external freelancer position. However, the management "expects the employees to take responsibility for the rescue service".
It is more important for the rescue service manager to please his superiors than to take care of his team. He merely promotes his favourites and there is nothing to suspect of equal treatment. On the contrary, if you try to contribute your own ideas and suggestions for improvement, the end of the employment relationship is already foreseeable. Among the division heads, there are also profile neurotics who are primarily concerned with their own "management function".
Due to the organisational structure of the hospital, it is not subject to labour law and this is also used. Employee satisfaction, work-life balance, rest and regeneration intervals are just a few of the words unknown at Limmattal Hospital. Employees who no longer see any future options in the Limmattal hospital will be given a kick as good as possible when they leave.
Also the holding of the employees has no priority, so there is no possibility to be employed e.g. in the rescue service and the department of anaesthesia. This means that the anaesthetists of the rescue service are forced to maintain their skills in other hospitals. However, freelance work is no longer necessarily permitted, as employees should also be available in their free time if possible.