Der innovative Zoo Zürich ist ein viel besuchter attraktiver Erlebnis-, Erholungs- und Bildungsraum. Als Naturschutzzentrum will er die Menschen für Tiere begeistern und sie motivieren, sich zusammen mit dem Zoo aktiv für den Natur- und Artenschutz einzusetzen. Denn «wer Tiere kennt, wird Tiere schützen». Die Zoo Restaurants GmbH als Tochtergesellschaft des Zoo Zürich setzt in ihren Betrieben auf Frische, Qualität, Ökologie und Nachhaltigkeit.
It is varied and a beautiful environment. Depending on your qualifications and interests, you will be working in kiosks on the zoo grounds or in the self-service restaurants or at events. The employee benefits are many and varied and the choice of food is really good because of the fundamentally varied range of food on offer. The camaraderie is good, nice colleagues. It has more temporary staff than permanent employees due to the seasonal fluctuations. On the other hand, many are incomprehensibly employed on an hourly wage, although they work an averagely regulated workload throughout the year.
This could be improved
Internal communication is rather difficult and varies depending on who is communicating and in which position you are. In the last 12 months a lot of positive things have happened. But there is still potential for improvement.