PhD position in ultrafast XUV photoelectron spectroscopy (f/m/d)


  • Publication date:

    02 July 2024
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    Unlimited employment
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PhD position in ultrafast XUV photoelectron spectroscopy (f/m/d)

PhD position in ultrafast XUV photoelectron spectroscopy (f/m/d)

Published1 July 2024WorkplaceFreiburg i.Br., Baden-Württemberg, GermanyCategory
Junior Researcher / PhD Position
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NEU Teilzeit Forschung und Lehre


The candidate will tackle important challenges in molecular photochemistry. Examples are photoisomerization reactions and molecular charge and energy transfer. These processes play an important role in many fields, for instance in novel optical sensing and storage devices, in photosynthesis, photocatalysis and photovoltaics. We will develop a unique experimental approach to study these processes. The experiment combines molecular/cluster beam techniques, time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, high harmonic generation (HHG) and interferometric detection techniques adapted from coherent multidimensional spectroscopy. This provides many opportunities for the doctoral candidate to learn new methodologies. In addition to the scientific training, we will particularly support the career development of the candidate. The PhD position will be integrated in the graduate school DynCAM ( offering an outstanding environment for junior researchers.

More information about our research group may be found here:')

More information about the specific project can be found here:')

Applicants should have a degree in physics, chemistry, optical engineering or related fields and should have strong interest in atomic and molecular physics or physical chemistry. Experience in the use of ultrafast lasers and/or vacuum equipment as well as basic programming skills (python/matlab) is desired. Good communication skills are needed. T he candidate should bring great interest in building experimental setups.

Application documents: letter of motivation, CV, certificates of your university degree (including grades), transcript of records, contact details of two references. All compiled in a single pdf file!Starting date: as soon as possible. Application deadline is 4th of August 2024 (Search will continue until suitable candidates are found).

The salary will be determined in accordance with E 13.

We will be particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.


Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above citing the reference number 00003852, by 04.08.2024 at the latest. Please send your application to the following address in written or electronic form:

sekretariat.stienkemeier@ physik.uni-
Indicate the subject "PhD MULTIPLEX" in your email.

For further information, please contact Daniela Wiedemann on the phone number +49 761 203-7610 or E-Mail daniela.wiedemann@ physik.uni- .

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In your application, please refer to and referenceJobID64839.