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What is the average wage in the canton of Uri?

Do you work in the canton of Uri or do you have the possibility to take a job there? Then you should know the wages in the region. The median annual wage in the canton of Uri is CHF 69 404. This value is based on 1 193 entries on the free salary check of The Canton of Uri is located in central Switzerland and is quite small, but there are still some vacancies and especially small and medium-sized companies. Among the most important places are the main village Altdorf as well as Bürglen or Schattdorf and Erstfeld.

Which sectors in the Canton of Uri pay particularly well?

Wages vary considerably between sectors. The Insurance sector pays best, the second best paying sector in the region is the Banking / Financial institutions industry and on the third place is the Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals sector. Wages in the canton of Uri are not in the forefront compared to the other Swiss cantons, but the cost of living is also not very high. The whole canton is above all rural and therefore an ideal habitat for lovers of nature and mountains. The Gotthard motorway as well as the railway line pass through the canton of Uri and therefore Ticino and Italy are easily accessible from here.