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What is the average wage in the Canton of Neuchâtel?

Whoever is interested in a job in the canton of Neuchâtel can expect a wage of 69 985 there. This is the median wage in the canton of Neuchâtel/Neuchâtel, taking into account all professions and sectors. This is the value obtained by calculating all 11 588 wage entries on the free salary comparison tool of The Canton of Neuchâtel is particularly well known for the watch industry. The main town is Neuchâtel, but La Chaux-de-Fonds has even more inhabitants and jobs. Other interesting places to look for a job in the Canton of Neuchâtel are Le Locle, Val-de-Ruz or Val-de-Travers.

In which sectors do I earn best in the Canton of Neuchâtel?

The Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals sector pays the best wages in the Canton of Neuchâtel. Followed by the Utilities industry, and then by the Information technology / Telecom industry. The cost of living in this French-speaking canton is lower than in most regions of German-speaking Switzerland. In addition, neighbouring France is popular for cheaper shopping. The Lake of Neuchâtel, the largest lake entirely within Switzerland, is particularly appreciated in the region.