Öffentliche Bauten sind prägende Identifikationspunkte in der Stadtlandschaft. Mit der wachsenden Stadt Zürich nehmen sie eine wichtige Vermittlerrolle ein und schaffen wertvolle öffentliche Begegnungsorte in Zürichs Quartieren. Mit Sorgfalt geplant, entwickelt und realisiert leisten sie einen wichtigen Beitrag an ein lebenswertes und urbanes Zürich auf dem Weg zur 2000-Watt-Gesellschaft. Dafür setzen wir uns als Bauherrenvertretung für die Stadt Zürich ein.
Very good working atmosphere and always open doors
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
13 September 2024September 2024
This works well in the company
- flat hierarchies
- openness to ideas
- top company culture
- Knowledge is gladly passed on
- Annual working hours / home office
This could be improved
- Automation of existing processes
- Exercise a little more self-criticism
Translated from German
Comment this review
Good home culture and work-life balance
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
30 May 2022May 2022
This works well in the company
Very good working atmosphere and flat hierarchies. Open doors all the way to the management. Annual working hours and part-time options mean that you can organize your working hours very flexibly. Progressive employer.
This could be improved
Due to Pandemie, the "spirit" has unfortunately suffered somewhat and with it the training of new employees.