„Frienisberg – üses Dorf“ steht für begleitetes Leben im Alter und Leben mit Beeinträchtigungen.
Als Institution mit einzigartigem Dorfcharakter bieten wir unseren Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner ein Zuhause in ländlicher Umgebung. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei deren individuellen Bedürfnisse nach selbstbestimmter Alltags- und Freizeitgestaltung. Rund 330 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter aus verschiedenen Bereichen setzen sich täglich für das Wohlergehen unserer Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner ein.
Du möchtest Teil unseres Teams werden? Besuche unsere Website und bewirb dich noch heute bei uns!
Frienisberg is a real village with lots of great people, animals, a farm and a fine restaurant. The rural surroundings, the excellent benefits and the development opportunities are outstanding in Frienisberg. The mix of elderly people and people with disabilities enriches the village. The events where employees are allowed to participate are incredibly enjoyable.
This could be improved
Every year we receive great goodies such as rucksacks, jackets, umbrellas, etc. and several times a year there are delicious food baskets for everyone. I would like to see even more personal cross-departmental exchange opportunities to strengthen team cohesion and promote mutual understanding.
Translated from German
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Modern, Rural, Personal
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
22 April 2022April 2022
This works well in the company
Large company and yet very familiar. The organization strives to innovate and constantly evolve.
This could be improved
More and better is always possible. The institution accepts suggestions for change and is constantly improving.
Translated from German
Comment this review
You better find something else
Job description
Application process
Personalized answer
Response time
01 November 2020November 2020
This works well in the company
I don't know. I applied there and it was a waste of time.
Totally unprofessional how that went down.
This could be improved
In my opinion, no interest in applicants.
Vacancies are advertised for months, then they are gone for a few weeks and then they are advertised again.
Employee unmotivated during trial work.
If you ask about the salary at the interview, HR has no idea.
Totally unprofessional.
By now I understand why you can't find personnel there.