Die PureGym AG betreibt derzeit 40+ Fitnessanlagen im Premiumdiscountsegment in der Schweiz. Wir bieten ein aussergewöhnlich gutes Zusammenspiel von hochwertiger Ausstattung, angenehmem Ambiente und erstklassigem Service. Dies verdanken wir vor allem dem leidenschaftlichen Einsatz unserer Mitarbeitenden.
Als Mitglied der internationalen PureGym Gruppe mit mehr als 2 Millionen Mitgliedern gehören wir zu den drei größten Fitnessketten in Europa und sind damit bestens aufgestellt, um unsere ehrgeizigen Ziele zu realisieren. So können wir in Zukunft einen noch größeren Beitrag zur Fitness und Gesundheit der Schweizer Bevölkerung leisten.
Werde Teil der PureGym-Familie und lasse uns gemeinsam noch mehr Menschen die Möglichkeit geben, ein gesünderes Leben zu leben.
Good employees are always encouraged and challenged, so there are many opportunities for further development.
Since the rebranding of basefit.ch to PureGym, the company has not only gained a leap in professionalism, but also a more positive image. The working conditions and internal processes have also improved as a result.
This could be improved
PureGym is currently still growing, so there are many opportunities for advancement, but growth always brings dynamism.
Translated from German
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Dynamic company with potential
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
29 January 2020January 2020
This works well in the company
Dynamic and young teams with lots of drive. Working conditions have improved considerably over the last six months. There is an uncomplicated, respectful interaction with each other. The growth of the company enables individual development of each person.
This could be improved
There is still room for improvement in the organisation and implementation of innovations and processes. The benefit structure for employees can also still be expanded.
Translated from German
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Aubruchstimmung - Development is going in the right direction
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
28 January 2020January 2020
This works well in the company
Many development opportunities within the clubs (from intern to club manager), up to regional manager level and/or as a lateral entrant to an administrative role at headquarters.
The company continues to grow and develop and has received a professional boost with the acquisition of Fitness World (DK).
The overall climate is positive and a positive mood of optimism is omnipresent.
This could be improved
The organisational structure within the administration can / should be further expanded and strengthened. The right path has been taken and the quality is rising continuously.