Die 7Days Gruppe verbindet unter einem Dach unterschiedliche Gesellschaften mit einem diversifizierten Dienstleistungsportfolio, welches den Fokus auf Vertriebs- und Logistiklösungen für ausgewählte Branchen legt. Um kundenorientiert am Markt aufzutreten und zielorientiert die Kundenbedürfnisse umsetzen zu können, gliedert sich die 7Days Group in fünf Leistungsbereiche: Media, Logistics, Food, Digital und Touristic, welche teils länderübergreifend (DE, CH, LUX & AUT) agieren und somit dem Kunden bei Bedarf ein Netzwerk unter Bewahrung des lokalen und leistungsspezifischen Dienstleistungswissen eröffnen.
Denken und Handeln über geografische Grenzen hinweg, ermöglicht es, die 7Days Gruppe und die dazugehörenden Werte breit im Markt zu verankern und das Leistungsversprechen gegenüber den Stakeholdern zu erfüllen und sicher zu stellen.
The payday is respected and you are very welcome at the beginning.
This could be improved
Will not recommend to others. Not all employees are treated equally. In the integration phase, tolerance is zero, in the first phase the motto is: Try to make it on your own, because nobody has time to take care of you. After a while I realized that there was no organization and I quit. It's survival of the fittest.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Job description
Application process
Personalized answer
Response time
08 February 2023February 2023
This works well in the company
Nothing really was on a
Test day where at one time was shouted around. Employees have bickered was really unpleasant. I would not recommend guaranteed.
This could be improved
During my trial day I noticed that not everyone is treated equally, the supervisor has his favorites is really not correct that could be improved.
Translated from German
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Good employer
Former employee
26 February 2018February 2018
7Days has always been a fair and good employer. Very good employees. Good employment conditions. I was held in high esteem by my superior.