Die BEKB nimmt ihre soziale Verantwortung wahr und bietet attraktive Arbeitsbedingungen in einem erfolgreichen Unternehmen für Wegbereiterinnen, Brückenbauende und Zukunftsgestalter.
Mit rund 475'000 Kundinnen und Kunden, über 1200 Mitarbeitenden sowie 60 Niederlassungen sind wir stark in den Kantonen Bern und Solothurn verankert. Wir legen grossen Wert auf ein nachhaltiges Wirken in der Region und setzen uns für kulturelle und soziale Anliegen ein. Seit vielen Jahren engagieren wir uns zudem für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Eine offene und transparente Unternehmenskultur wird bei uns grossgeschrieben.
Du bist engagiert, qualifiziert und suchst eine neue Herausforderung? Spannende Jobmöglichkeiten sowie weitere Informationen zur BEKB als Arbeitgeberin findest du unter bekb.ch/jobs.
Appreciative environment with room for personal development
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
19 December 2023December 2023
This works well in the company
Very friendly, helpful and appreciative culture. If you want to, you have the opportunity to develop yourself, gain new experiences on the job and help shape the company.
This could be improved
Employees and managers should become even more courageous, take on issues more actively and explore more new avenues. We are already on the right track, but there is still room for improvement.
Translated from German
Employer comment
03 January 2024January 2024
Dear employee
Thank you very much for taking the time to leave this appreciative and positive feedback. It's great to read that you like it so much with us and that you think our culture and the opportunities for further development and organization are particularly good. We can grow together at the critical points and learn from each other with constructive, critical feedback.
We are delighted to have you on our team and wish you continued enjoyment and success at and with BEKB.
Best regards
Translated from German
Great culture, lots of creative freedom and super people
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
08 December 2023December 2023
This works well in the company
Great employees, open culture, good salary and great opportunities for development and growth, lots of freedom
This could be improved
Digitalization and tools could be even more advanced
Translated from German
Employer comment
03 January 2024January 2024
Dear employee
Thank you very much for this positive feedback. It's great that our culture suits you so well, that you get on so well with your colleagues and that you can develop and contribute to your day-to-day work according to your wishes. We really appreciate feedback like this and that's how it should be. We also take critical feedback seriously - we can learn and grow from it together.
We are delighted that you are part of our team and wish you continued enjoyment and success at and with BEKB.
Best regards
Translated from German
Job description
Application process
Personalized answer
Response time
20 May 2019May 2019
This works well in the company
good relationship with future employees, especially if they come from French-speaking Switzerland.