Die Knecht Gruppe mit Sitz in Windisch ist eine in den Bereichen Reisen, Personenverkehr und Güterverkehr tätige Schweizer Unternehmensgruppe. Zu den Gesellschaften der Knecht Gruppe gehören unter anderem EUROBUS (grösstes privates Busunternehmen der Schweiz), knecht reisen (führender Reiseveranstalter), Welti-Furrer (ältestes Schweizer Transportunternehmen) und knechtcare (Gesamtanbieter von Dienstleistungen im Gesundheitswesen).
Good climate among each other. One appreciates and respects one another. The IT infrastructure is up-to-date. A lot of things are in a turnaround. The individual companies which belong to the holding company are very interesting.
This could be improved
The company is still in the process of digitization. But a lot of things are also often laboriously processed in Excel. The tour is special. Actually, you're led by a supervisor. However, other area managers also have a lot of influence. It has many princes and a king. Accordingly, esteem is not written in such capital letters. The MA parking spaces are also not free of charge.