Preisig AG ist ein führendes Unternehmen in den Bereichen Sanitär, Heizung, Solartechnik, Bedachung und Spenglerei.
Egal ob Neubau, Sanierung oder kleine Reparatur, die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden hat oberste Priorität. Preisig steht für Qualitätsarbeit, Termineinhaltung, Budgettreue und zuvorkommende Umgangsformen.
Die Tatsache, dass uns Mitarbeiter über Jahrzehnte, zum Teil von der Berufslehre bis zur Pensionierung, die Treue halten, spricht für sich. Unser Arbeitsklima, die Arbeitsbedingungen, die Lehrlingsausbildung, die Förderung der beruflichen Weiterbildung und unser Engagement für die Arbeitssicherheit, haben für unsere Belegschaft einen hohen Stellenwert.
- Is very organized
- Great team
- Very human
- Very helpful
This could be improved
I think the way it's going is perfect and nothing should change.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Very pleasant, familiar working atmosphere.
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
27 February 2019February 2019
This works well in the company
Preisig AG stands behind its employees and stands up for them.
The many long-standing employees are witnesses to the fact that the climate is good and the employee is treated fairly.
The employee is not a "number" even at this size of company, but is very individually managed and treated.
If an employee wants to go further, Preisig AG supports him on his way.
Due to the size of the company and its high quality standards, the company is always able to carry out very exciting and unusual orders.
This could be improved
Due to its location directly next to Oerlikon railway station, the headquarters is easily accessible by public transport, but there are no parking spaces available for private vehicles.