Wir von der Excellent Personal AG, Lenzburg setzen uns mit Engagement und persönlicher Betreuung für eine langjährige Partnerschaft ein. Jeder im Team weiss, was es heisst, selber für seine Dienstleistungen einzustehen und die Verantwortung Ihnen gegenüber wahrzunehmen. Dieses Engagement, das über das Normale hinaus geht, werden Sie in einer Zusammenarbeit mit uns kennen lernen. Testen Sie uns!
Short and sweet - EVERYTHING
I am completely satisfied. As a longer temporary employee, I can't complain about anything and enjoy working with the entire team again and again.
If you really want to have reasonable conditions, you should start a request here.
Work now almost 1 year here for several orders and would start again and again.
This could be improved
Also here short and sweet - nowhere.
There were never any problems, no matter if with employment and contracts, accounts, communication or concerns of myself.
Who is looking for a good company is right here.
Can I just RECOMMEND, really!!!!!