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INP Schweiz AG

Build­ing trust through sus­tain­able part­ner­ships: INP Sch­weiz - your ser­vice pro­vider in elec­tric­al en­gin­eer­ing. INP Sch­weiz cur­rently en­gages around 120 em­ploy­ees. Our em­ploy­ees' com­mit­ment has en­abled us to grow stead­ily. We build on pro­fes­sion­al ex­pert­ise, a trans­par­ent in­form­a­tion cul­ture and high-qual­ity stand­ards. As an engineering service provider, INP Schweiz supports leading companies in the power generation and transmission industry, from design to basic engineering, from commissioning to testing. Based in Switzer­land, in ac­tion all over the world. No mat­ter if you find your­self on a com­bined cycle power plant in Hong Kong, a sub­sta­tion in Switzer­land, a waste in­cin­er­a­tion plant in Tur­key, or a wind farm in Ger­many, a di­verse range of pro­jects from renowned cli­ents world­wide awaits you at INP Sch­weiz.

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