Ob zu Hause oder im Büro, ob Geschäftskorrespondenz oder von Hand geschrieben. Mit den modernen und stilvollen Produkten von ELCO wird jeder Kommunikationsstil mit Freude zum Ausdruck gebracht. Die Bürowelt wird farbig. Innovativ, leidenschaftlich und mit hohem Qualitätsanspruch stellen wir unsere Kunden ins Zentrum. Dabei setzen wir auf Schweizer Qualität. Unser Produktionsstandort in der Schweiz garantiert viele Arbeitsplätze in der Region.
Very good training facility and good working atmosphere
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeeApprenticeship
16 July 2019July 2019
This works well in the company
Elco is a global company, which is also distinguished by its leadership style.
The working atmosphere is pleasant and career opportunities are available.
Elco's location is ideal and the training offers the opportunity to grow and get to know the world of work.
This could be improved
In general, I do not see any potential for improvement.
However, the paper industry is increasingly being replaced by the online world, which is why there is a regression which can only be seen in the distant future.