Bei uns helfen Sie Menschen in einer Notlage, denn Medicall ist der schweizweit einzigartige Hilfeleister für Menschen rund um die Uhr. Das macht den Beruf sehr erfüllend und facettenreich. Da wir unsere Hilfeleistungen weltweit anbieten, wenden Sie zudem Ihre Fremdsprachenkenntnisse täglich an und entwickeln diese weiter.
Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle und der verkehrsgünstige Arbeitsort schaffen zusätzlich attraktive Rahmenbedingungen, insbesondere für Teilzeitmitarbeitende.
I feel involved in the developments.
The team spirit stands out for me.
This could be improved
Little things. Every company has something to complain about.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Great employer
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
17 February 2021February 2021
This works well in the company
I experience the company as very flexible. It is an SME and is very committed to its employees. So many things have been improved in recent years. The working environment is very dynamic and there is a pleasant working atmosphere.
This could be improved
The workplace can certainly be made a little nicer.
Translated from German
Comment this review
helping people
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeeSupplementary income
05 August 2020August 2020
This works well in the company
The atmosphere is very good and the work content is very fulfilling (helping people)
This could be improved
Every company has room for improvement, but at Medicall the overall picture is right.