Within almost 1 year approx. 40% of the office employees have left (cheaply!). 2-year-old employees already belong to the 'long-serving' employees.
- GL is completely overwhelmed. That is why decisions are never made and when they are, they are always short-circuits.
- no trace of new products or technologies, even if applicants and visitors are told the opposite
- Just because an idea is fancy doesn't make it good.
-Before you buy new equipment, you should have a plan of what you want to do with it!
- everywhere is whispered and blasphemed
- 0 Communication by GL
- no appreciation by management or superiors
- depressed mood kills all motivation
- 8.5 working days is no good at all!
- the superiors don't care what you do.
- no one in the company knows the company strategy
- Yelling during meetings is an absolute no-go! (it is allowed to get loud and emotional, but to loudly insult employees as incapable??)
- The coffee tastes disgusting.
- had I already mentioned that GL is completely overwhelmed?