Die IVF HARTMANN AG mit Sitz in Neuhausen am Rheinfall ist einer der führenden Anbieter im Bereich der medizinischen Verbrauchsgüter und Hygieneprodukte in der Schweiz. Sie ist Teil der internationalen HARTMANN GRUPPE mit Hauptsitz in Heidenheim, Deutschland. Das breit aufgestellte Sortiment umfasst unter anderem Produkte in den Bereichen Wundmanagement, Inkontinenz, Hygiene, OP-Bedarf, Desinfektion, Erste Hilfe, Hauswirtschaft sowie innovative Dienstleistungskonzepte [Solutions].
Dieses Unternehmen wurde mit dem Label Friendly Work Space ausgezeichnet.
Notice nothing, except for the team that supports each other, because it is always necessary.
This could be improved
IVF Hartmann does not seem to have good planning and the top management is not at all interested in employees. A corporation only ideal for the leaders.
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Structural problems
Job description
Application process
Personalized answer
Response time
24 June 2020June 2020
This works well in the company
Unfortunately nothing that would make a difference and outweigh the bad.
This could be improved
IVF Hartmann has absolutely no good structure for such a large company, it is a shame how the employees are treated.
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Keine super Signature
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
24 June 2020June 2020
This works well in the company
The only reason I've stayed this long is because of the staff. That's why I can't say anything else.
This could be improved
There is so much room for improvement. At every corner people are saving or not looking. As long as it runs, it doesn't matter that the employees go under.
Unfortunately so many problems are known.