ELCA ist mit mehr als 1500 Mitarbeitenden eine der grössten unabhängigen Schweizer Firmen im Bereich IT Consulting, Softwareentwicklung und Systemintegration. Zu unseren Kunden zählen namhafte
Schweizer und internationale Gross- und Mittelstandskunden aus den verschiedensten Branchen. Seit 1968 verfolgen wir vor allem eine Aufgabe: Die IT-Welt ein bisschen einfacher machen. Durch komfortable Lösungen für komplexe Aufgaben. Durch zuverlässiges Timing und Budgettreue. Durch Kundenorientierung bis ins letzte Detail. Da durch konnten wir in den letzten Jahren ein stetiges Wachstum verzeichnen. Werde auch Du Teil unserer einzigartigen Erfolgsgeschichte!
I sent my job application in English because their job description was in English. I clearly stated in my job application that my German language skills are excellent. They replied that they are rejecting me because my German is not "fluent". I never talked to anyone from ELCA so I don't know why they think that my German is not "fluent". I have 16 years of Java experience and million of certifications (Java 8, JPA, EJB, Oracle, XML...).
This could be improved
I sent my job application in English because their job description was in English. I clearly stated in my job application that my German language skills are excellent. They replied that they are rejecting me because my German is not "fluent". I never talked to anyone from ELCA so I don't know why they think that my German is not "fluent". I have 16 years of Java experience and million of certifications (Java 8, JPA, EJB, Oracle, XML...).
Comment this review
05 November 2018November 2018
The contact was made very quickly and I was treated very friendly and professional.
Translated from German
Comment this review
Schnell, arrogant
01 November 2018November 2018
The cancellation came relatively quickly. Apparently, a paper towel is more important than what the person really can do.