Du hast Freude an Technik, liebst die Zusammenarbeit mit spannenden Persönlichkeiten, setzt gerne Deinen Kopf ein um kreative Lösungen zu finden und möchtest Dich weiterentwickeln können – dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig. Unser Team von 140 Mitarbeitenden besteht aus Informatiker/innen, Betriebsökonominnen und Betriebsökonomen sowie Softwareentwicklern/innen.
Um unsere Kundinnen und Kunden mit IT Lösungen zu unterstützen, in ihren Märkten erfolgreich zu sein, suchen wir laufend Verstärkung. Bei uns geniesst Du einen hohen Freiheitsgrad in der Gestaltung Deiner Arbeit, kannst in vielen Projektsituationen weiterkommen und triffst auf ein Team, das Dich auf Deinem Weg unterstützt.
Wir haben im Jahr 1983 unsere Arbeit aufgenommen und gehören heute zu den grössten Anbietern von Microsoft Dynamics Lösungen in der Schweiz. Wir fühlen uns aber noch lange nicht am Ziel und wollen uns weiterentwickeln. Wir freuen uns, wenn Du diesen Weg mit uns gehen willst.
The application process was very well structured and communication was clear, honest and transparent. This company is very authentic in its appearance, i.e. the way it presents itself to the outside world is also lived internally. As an employee, you also enjoy a great deal of freedom and trust.
This could be improved
I can't really say anything negative. As in any company, there are sometimes stressful times and sometimes somewhat quieter times. But that's part of it and makes the working day exciting and challenging.
Translated from German
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Applied for free
Job description
Application process
Personalized answer
Response time
07 September 2023September 2023
This works well in the company
Can't say was applicant, but HR was quite friendly.
This could be improved
You should not accept applications if you want to fill a position internally anyway. Interview conducted in the same hour to receive the answer position is occupied by an internal. Something you know earlier, or the communication in the company is disaster one of the two.
Translated from German
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Expectations of a good employer were exceeded!
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
17 February 2022February 2022
This works well in the company
Everyone has the option of a discounted fitness subscription and the opportunity to work from home for up to 50% of the time. It's great that we as employees are constantly able to master new and exciting challenges.
This could be improved
The atmosphere in the team is very familiar. Everyone is treated with respect. Thanks to a great working hours model, you have a lot of freedom.