Wo Menschen und Zahlen in herausfordernden Konstellationen aufeinandertreffen, stehen wir, die SOLVER Advisory AG, als loyaler Partner zur Seite. Wir sind ein interdisziplinäres Team und verstehen uns als dynamische Beratungsboutique mit hohem Qualitätsanspruch in den Bereichen Steuern, Unternehmensnachfolgen und -bewertungen, Corporate Finance und M&A für KMU sowie im Accounting & Controlling. Mit ausgewiesener Fachexpertise bieten wir unseren Kund:innen massgeschneiderte Lösungen und agieren als zuverlässiger Sparringpartner.
Great working atmosphere with many different and exciting projects. The managers have a very high quality awareness and are keen to ensure that employees are always developing. In-house and external training is encouraged and supported. There is a good and trusting relationship with the customers.
This could be improved
The company and the team are still under construction. Individual processes still need to be established and the interfaces improved.
Translated from German
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Consulting boutique with a future
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
17 February 2021February 2021
This works well in the company
Very pleasant, flexible and collegial working atmosphere, exciting projects and likeable customers.
This could be improved
Due to the (still) manageable size of the team, the standard processes are still being developed.
Translated from German
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Fast, sympathetic feedback
Job description
Application process
Personalized answer
Response time
06 October 2020October 2020
This works well in the company
Friendly team and quick response to my application.
This could be improved
So far no suggestions for improvement. The final decision about my application is still open at the moment.