ISR Vision
ISR is the school of choice in the Alpen Rheintal region providing a high-quality international education in English for students from kindergarten to grade 12, inspiring international-mindedness, academic and personal excellence and responsible engagement.
(Updated June 2021)
ISR Mission
ISR is a supportive, challenging and student-centred environment. We encourage each student to reach their potential whilst promoting international-mindedness, empathy and life-long learning. Through teamwork and individual endeavours, members of the school community should:
Respect and take responsibility for themselves, others and the environment
Appreciate and respect diversity
Think critically
Reflect thoughtfully
Communicated effectively
Celebrate success
(Updated October 2021)
- 19 Mitarbeiter
- Werdenbergstrasse 17, Buchs SG
- Verein International School Rheintal, Liechtenstein - St. Gallen - Vorarlberg
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