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GBC is a Swiss commercially registered company focused on developing business solutions on the Salesforce.com platform using Skuid. The company is engaged in applying Skuid component based development projects in Europe, USA, Africa and Asia. Skuid is an advanced application builder and business solution provider that allows for superfast software development on the Force.com platform owned by Salesforce. GBC partnered with Salesforce in 2012 and with Skuid a few months thereafter. Skuid is a pioneer of component architecture and is a preferred partner for the new Salesforce 1 Platform and Lightning systems development set to revolutionise business cloud computing. The company has a team of experienced engineers, developers, administrative and management staff ready to assist you in your business and the electronic flow management of all data. Based in Switzerland's Technopark Silicon Valley and with satellite offices in different city centres GBC is capable of offering your organisation around the clock support and development services.


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