Über uns - Schäfli AG

  • Date de publication :

    06 janvier 2024
  • Taux d'activité :

  • Type de contrat :

    Durée indéterminée
  • Lieu de travail :


Über uns - Schäfli AG

We are a member of the furniture transport group of the Swiss Commercial Vehicle Association (ASTAG) and work according to the Association's moving terms and conditions for moving and for storage. The ASTAG furniture transport group forms the association of national Swiss furniture transport companies.

The professional group also offers the quality certificate ASTAG PLUS for moving companies. This gives transport companies the opportunity to stand out from the competition with a special quality standard. The aim is to improve quality, comply with legal norms and specifications, and have an environmentally conscious and sustainable business model. We are proud to have been awarded the ASTAG PLUS quality certificate .

In addition, we are a member of the Swiss Excellence Forum and set very high standards in the quality and sustainability of our services. We are guided by the EFQM standards (Excellence Forum Quality Management). These form the basis for all work processes, which are also laid down in a manual for every employee.

Get to know the faces behind the Schäfli AG!

Moving specialist & driver CE

Moving specialist & driver CE

Moving specialist & driver C1E

Moving specialist & driver B

Moving specialist & driver B

Moving assistance

Moving assistance

Moving assistance

Camperlogistik LKW-Chauffeur CE

Cleaning staff

Schäfli property


Car / Truck Mechanic

DPD driver CE

DPD driver B

DPD driver B

DPD driver B

DPD driver B

DPD driver B

DPD driver B

DPD driver B

DPD driver B

Zur Verstärkung unseres Teams suchen wir ab sofort oder nach Vereinbarung:

Your area of responsibility:

– Möbelträger für Privat- und Firmenumzüge

– Fahrer im Rahmen Ihrer Fahrbewilligung

– Packarbeiten

– Montagearbeiten

Your profile:

– Erfahrung als Umzugsfachmann von Vorteil

– Fahrbewilligung Kat. B oder mehr von Vorteil

– Handwerkliches Geschick

– Kräftige, ausdauernde und kundenorientierte Persönlichkeit

– Zuverlässiger, pflichtbewusster, selbstständiger und flexibler Teamplayer

– Gute Deutschkenntnisse

– Gepflegtes Erscheinungsbild bei der Kundschaft und gute Umgangsformen

What to expect:

– Attraktive Arbeitsbedingungen

– Abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben in einem interessanten Umfeld

– Teamarbeiten wie auch selbstständiges Arbeiten

– Hochwertiges Arbeitsmaterial sowie ein gepflegter Fuhrpark

– Ein professionelles, aufgestelltes und junges Team

Gerne stehen wir Ihnen für Fragen oder ergänzende Auskünfte zur Verfügung. Bitte senden Sie Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen per E-Mail E-Mail schreiben oder Post an Schäfli AG, Nadja Bodinoli, Mühlentalstrasse 174, 8200 Schaffhausen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung.

News from Schäfli AG!

We are proud of our two drivers who both finished on the podium at the Delivery Excellence Challenge Switzerland 2022 from Depot 615: Miroslav Vavak finished 1st and Aldin Dedic finished 3rd. What a great achievement!

We congratulate our apprentice daughter Michèle Pohl on passing her final examination as office assistant EBA. She has successfully completed her apprenticeship and we are looking forward to her joining us for the next 2 years for the shortened apprenticeship as a commercial assistant EFZ. We wish you, dear Michèle, all the best and a good start in your new apprenticeship. We look forward to working with you in the future!

We are proud of our automotive mechatronics technician Marco Platter, who is currently undergoing further training to become an automotive diagnostics technician EFA, and congratulate him on having already passed the module exams!

The students of the Kantonsschule Schaffhausen were given the task to visit a company in the subject Economy and Law and to present it afterwards. Ms. Tufejla Begovic from the 2nd

Congratulations to our DPD-driver of the month september 2020: Nihad Dizdarevic! We thank you for your daily commitment.