Professor of Tectonics and Structural Geology 90-100%
Date de publication :
21 janvier 2025Taux d'activité :
90 – 100%- Lieu de travail :Fribourg, CH
Professor of Tectonics and Structural Geology
Ort / Bezirk:
Fribourg, CH, Saane, CH
Datum des Stellenantritts:
01.08.2026 oder nach Vereinbarung
Unbefristeter Vertrag
Unifr-7635 Departement für Geowissenschaften
Anstellungsbehörde / Verwaltungseinheit / Anstalt
Die Universität Freiburg ist Bildungsstätte, Forschungsplatz, Arbeitgeberin und Event-Veranstalterin in einem. Ihre Innovationskraft macht sie zu einem wichtigen Motor für das wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Leben der Region. Als Anziehungspunkt für Studierende und Forschende aus der gesamten Schweiz und aus allen Teilen der Welt prägt die Hochschule seit ihrer Gründung 1889 das Leben der zweisprachigen Stadt Freiburg.
The University of Fribourg is a signatory to the DORA declaration and attaches great importance to a qualitative assessment of academic performance.
The University of Fribourg is an equal opportunity employer and strives towards gender balance and diversity at all levels.
Please note: Do not use the "apply" button at the top of this page: your application will not be processed. Apply directly here: Faculty of Science and Medicine
Ihre Aufgaben
The successful candidate will develop an internationally recognized competitive research program sustained by external funding.
Gewünschtes Profil
- Qualified applicants must have an outstanding track record of research in the fields of tectonics and structural geology. Research interests within these fields may include, but are not limited to, basin and foreland tectonics and dynamics, geothermal energy, geological CO2 storage, rock mechanics, and/or seismic hazards
- Applicants should have experience and strong dedication to field-based research
- Teaching experience at university level is expected. The University of Fribourg is a bilingual university
- Teaching responsibilities encompass courses delivered in French or German at the Bachelor level, and in English at the Master level. The administrative languages are German and French. Candidates only knowledgeable of one of these two languages are expected to obtain the second language to the level of B1 within two years of arrival. Candidates not knowledgeable in either language are expected to acquire one of the two languages to the level of C1 and the second language to the level of B1 oral in the same time period
Prof. Dr. Anneleen Foubert, E-Mail schreiben und Prof. Dr. Esther Schwarzenbach, E-Mail schreiben
Datum der Stellenausschreibung: