Apartment building in a central location in Affoltern am Albis.

  • Date de publication :

    18 janvier 2024
  • Taux d'activité :

  • Type de contrat :

    Durée indéterminée
  • Lieu de travail :

    Affoltern am Albis

Apartment building in a central location in Affoltern am Albis.



Property One is developing and constructing an apart- The development of the plot in a way that fully exploited its ment building to a high-quality private ownership standpotential was carried out by the own development team in ard at a central location in Affoltern am Albis. The new close collaboration with the Studio JES architectural firm. build with 12 residential units has been sold to a renowned The legally binding building permit was granted in the first collective foundation while still in the development half of 2021, and construction started in August of the same stage. An exemplary asset deal for institutional investors year. Once the permit procedure was complete, the team that benefits everyone involved - not least the future in- Planning & Construction took on the project. The apart habitants. ments are expected to be completed and ready for the new inhabitants to move in at the end of March 2023. The new The plot is only a short distance from the Affoltern am Albis build was sold to a renowned collective foundation while train station, and is still well known to camping and caravan still in development, as part of an asset deal by the Property enthusiasts from the region. This location, right at the heart One transaction team. of the Knonauer Amt region, was for many years home to a well-known company that rented out holiday vehicles and "The new build meets stringent sold camping accessories. But the plot was by no means sustainability requirements - used to its full potential. With the older residential and which is something that commercial buildings on the plot, there was a huge poten was very important to the tial for new use and conversion projects. An attractive new investor as well." The rental apartments have a high-end finish typically associated with privately owned apartments. build was a fantastic opportunity for this location: There are diverse shopping opportunities, schools of all levels Optimisation, planning and construction management Having construction management performed by a local Property One proficiency and preschools all within around a five-minute walk, as well following acquisition company ensured the smooth coordination of works and For the investor, there is a huge benefit to be gained from as very good S-Bahn connections to Zurich and Zug. Once the permit had been granted, Property One dealt helped with quality control. The 12 units are made up of nine the substantial increase in revenue-generating areas as a with the regulations of the relevant authorities and was 4.5-room apartments with a living space of between 100 result of the conversion of the plot and the new build of the Urban development subsequently granted the necessary construction approv - 2 2 and 112 m , an 85 m 3.5-room apartment and two 4-room residential property. With the interconnections between The urban development in this sought-after area was more al. The team Planning & Construction then started work on 2 maisonette apartments with a living space of 107 m . The the areas of investment management, development, plan than obvious. Building regulations permitted a 3.5 times the submissions (individual contract award). These covspacious terraces clearly distinguish the latter units. ning and construction, the property in Affoltern am Albis is increase in the available rentable space. The plans set out ered both cost and quality optimisations as well as a conan excellent example of Property One's interdisciplinary the new build of an attractive residential property. Once sideration of the longer delivery times as a result of the All of the apartments feature well-planned layout conexpertise. this investment and development opportunity had been current situation. cepts and high-quality materials. A harmonious relationidentified, the acquisitions team at Property One was able ship between the colour concept and the lighting atmosto acquire the property in the form of a club deal thanks to Meticulous internal tenders lead to the different works bephere helps to create a really special ambience. good connections within the company's own network. ing awarded to expert companies from the own network. High-quality finish
Four geothermal heat pumps serve as the foundation for the heating system. There is also a photovoltaic system installed on the roof for the building to produce its own electricity. The system is fed into and connected to the grid based on a contract concluded with the electricity works of the canton of Zurich (Elektrizitätswerk des Kantons Zürich - EKZ). The underground car park with 12 parking spaces also includes charging spaces for electric vehicles. The flat on the attic floor convinces with its generous floor plan. A common theme running through the property is the Our services: high-quality finish typically associated with up-market apartments. The new build also meets stringent sustaina- - Identification of investment and development opportunities bility requirements, which is something that was very important to the investor as well. All current standards in re- - Financing set-up as co-investment lation to energy, thermal insulation and living comfort
  • Acquisition of the plot have been either met or exceeded. All apartments have
  • Development, planning, tendering and contract underfloor heating and controlled ventilation. award, as well as construction management
- Creation of an apartment building with 12 units The property is certified with the Minergie® quality label. It to EEC standards is also designed to be handicapped accessible and wheel- - Portfolio and asset management chair accessible in accordance with the Swiss standard - Sale of the turnkey project to an institutional "SIA 500 hindernisfreie Bauten" (SIA 500 obstacle-free Apartment building in a central location in Affoltern am Albis. investor buildings). ONE PASSION
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