Professor (open rank) in "Digital Journalism" 90-100%

Etat du canton de Fribourg
  • Date de publication :

    22 juillet 2024
  • Taux d'activité :

    90 – 100%
  • Type de contrat :

    Durée indéterminée
  • Lieu de travail :Freiburg

Professor (open rank) in "Digital Journalism" 90-100%

Professor (open rank) in "Digital Journalism"



Ort / Bezirk: 

Fribourg, CH, Saane, CH



Datum des Stellenantritts: 

01.09.2025 oder nach Vereinbarung


Unbefristeter Vertrag


Unifr-6640 Departement für Kommunikationswissensch

Anstellungsbehörde / Dienststelle / Anstalt

Die Universität Freiburg ist Bildungsstätte, Forschungsplatz, Arbeitgeberin und Event-Veranstalterin in einem. Ihre Innovationskraft macht sie zu einem wichtigen Motor für das wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Leben der Region. Als Anziehungspunkt für Studierende und Forschende aus der gesamten Schweiz und aus allen Teilen der Welt prägt die Hochschule seit ihrer Gründung 1889 das Leben der zweisprachigen Stadt Freiburg.


The University of Fribourg offers excellent working conditions and a competitive salary. Seeking to promote an equitable representation of women and men, the University strongly encourages applications from women. Having signed the DORA declaration, the University of Fribourg emphasizes qualitative assessment of academic achievement.


Please note : Do not use the "apply" button at the top of this page: your application will not be processed. Apply electronically at E-Mail schreiben, secretary at the Department of Communication and Media Research (DCM).


Candidates should send their complete application in a single PDF file that includes

  • a cover letter describing their motivation and qualifications for the position

  • a CV including lists of their publications, presentations, teaching experience, research projects/grants, and contribution to academic service (administrative duties)

  • teaching evaluations

  • a one-page statement of current and future research interests (research statement)

  • a one-page statement with the candidate’s teaching philosophy (teaching statement)

  • the names of three professional references

  • three academic papers recently published, forthcoming, or under revision

Ihre Aufgaben

  • The professorship requires a specialization in digital journalism research from a social scientific perspective. In their research, candidates should critically explore how digitalization reshapes the production and dissemination of news. They may focus, for instance, on the transformation of journalistic practices and routines, newsroom structures, business models and editorial strategies, and/or the interrelationship between journalism and society. Candidates have to be familiar with social scientific research methods (both qualitative and quantitative). Additional research experience in media economics is not mandatory but would be of particular interest

  • Teaching: The teaching load is 6-7 hours per week and includes courses on (digital) journalism research (bachelor level), on media economics (bachelor level) as well as on social science research methods (master level), and on topics within the candidate’s research specialization (master level)

Gewünschtes Profil

  • Candidates must have completed a Ph.D. in communication studies or a closely related discipline (with proven experience in media and communication). They need a high-quality publication record, as well as positively evaluated teaching experience in the required specialization. Moreover, experience in acquiring competitive third-party research grants is advantageous

  • Teaching will be in French and English. Ideally, candidates should also be able to teach in German. The University of Freiburg is bilingual (French/German). Knowledge of German (level B1 oral) is expected. If this is not the case, it must be acquired within two years of taking the position

Angaben der Kontaktpersonen

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Feddersen, E-Mail schreiben

Datum der Stellenausschreibung: 

