AI Developer
Key information
- Publication date:28 January 2025
- Workload:100%
- Contract type:Unlimited employment
- Language:English (Fluent)
- Place of work:Schaanerstrasse 27, 9490 Vaduz
You are
- Passionate about technology
- A nerd at the keyboard
- Driven by curiosity and enthusiasm
- Accountable and strong in implementa on
- Entrepreneurial in spirit
- Someone to have a good me with
Your role
- Build and train ML models on image data
- Implement rule-based analysis algorithms to quan fy image data
- Coding data analysis rou nes to evaluate tests
- Integrate ML models into soware and industrial production environments
- Willingness to learn about industrial X-ray technology
Your profile
- Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Mathema cs, or a related field
- Proven implementa on track record in data science and ML
- Strong Python programming skills
- Several years of C++ experience preferred
- Working knowledge of Linux environments
- Knowledge of cloud environments, APIs, and databases
- Fluent in German and English
Who we are
- A deep-tech startup using ML to revolu onize industrial X-ray technology. Based in Vaduz, Liechtenstein
- Operating our own high-power X-ray equipment to acquire data and develop cu ng-edge solu ons
- Founded by experienced professionals with PhD-level exper se in Materials Science and Computer Science
- Transforming academic research into industrial applications
- Seeking highly mo vated individuals driven to achieve ambi ous goals in a collaborative environment
Contact us
Roger Herger, CEO & Founder, +423 399 9490,
E-Mail schreiben
- Roger Herger+423 399 9490Write an email