Key Information Document

  • Publication date:

    06 January 2024
  • Workload:

  • Contract type:

    Unlimited employment
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Key Information Document

Key Information Document
This document provides you with key information about this investment product. It is not marketing material. The information is required by law to help you understand the nature, risks, costs, potential gains and losses of this product and to help you compare it with other products. Product
Product: Prisma FlexInvest (MT) March 2022 Single Premium Responsible supervisory authority:
Manufacturer: PrismaLife AG
Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (FMA) Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) Fo r further information, please call 00423 (0) 220 01 00 Key Information Document dated: 10.03.2022 You are about to purchase a product that is not simple and may be difficult to understand. What is this product?
Type: The insurance investment product Prisma FlexInvest (MT) March 2022 is a unit-linked life insurance policy. Objectives: The investment is made in funds that you choose from our fund selection. It is aimed at long-term asset accumulation. You benefit from increases in the price of the fund(s) selected, but also bear the investment risk involved and, depending on your investment and risk preferences, invest in equities, bonds or money market funds, for example. Specific information on the individual funds can be found at Intended retail investor: The product is suitable for customers who fulfil the following criteria:
- They are between 18 and 65 years old and want to accumulate assets as well as insure themselves or another person between 1 and 65 years old in the event of death.

  • They have their residence in Malta on the policy inception date.
  • They want to accumulate assets over the long term, for a period of at least 20 years, max. up to the age 85 of the policyholder and the insured person.
  • They have sufficient income and/or assets to pay at least 30.000 EUR lump sum or to pay at least 100 EUR a month or 1200
EUR a year over the premium payment period, but at least 30.000 EUR and can incur the financial losses in particular in the event of the premature surrender of the policy.
  • They have, or are provided with before concluding the contract, a fundamental understanding of financial markets and investment products.
  • They waive a guaranteed return and consciously accept significant fluctuations in value and risks of loss in order to increase their return opportunities.
The product is not suitable for customers who - want a guaranteed return on their premiums. Ins urance benefits and costs: The insurance benefit consists of a lump-sum payout. In the event that the insured person dies before the agreed date of lump-sum payout, we will pay out 3.000,00 EUR. The death benefit only applies until the end of the age 69 of the insured person. From this moment on, the death benefit is reduced to 1.000 EUR. In addition to the death benefit, the fund value is paid out. For the purposes of the calculations shown in this "Key Information Document", we have assumed a 45-year-old insured person and a single investment of 10.000 EUR. In this model case, the average annual risk premium for the insurance cover is 16,06 EUR. The risk premium is 3,21 % of the total investment. This means, taking the risk premium into account, 9.678,83 EUR is invested. The impact of the risk premium on the investment return at the end of the recommended holding period is on average 0,11 % to 0,13 % a year. The risk premium is included in other ongoing costs in the "Composition of Costs" table. This takes into account the impact of the portion of the risk premium that corresponds to the estimated value of the insurance benefits. Term: The term (duration) of this product corresponds to the period leading up to the agreed date of the lump-sum payout. For the purposes of the calculations in this sample case, the term is 20 years. We are entitled to terminate the policy unilaterally subject to certain conditions, e.g. if the policyholder/insured person has breached the pre-contractual duty of disclosure (see section 8 of the General Terms and Conditions). In the event of poor performance, the fund value may be zero euro. In this case, the policy will end. What are the risks and what could I get in return? The risk and return associated with the investment can vary depending on the underlying fund(s). Specific information on the funds can be found at Risk Indicator
Lower risk
Higher risk
T his risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 20 years. The actual risk can vary significantly if you cash in at an early stage and you may get back less. You may have to pay significant extra costs to cash in early. T he summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of movements in the markets or because we are not able to pay you. We have classified this product as 1 to 7 out of 7, with 1 corresponding to the lowest and 7 to the highest risk class. The risk of incurring potential losses due to future performance is rated on a scale between very low and very high, depending on the fund(s) selected. If the market conditions are unfavourable, it is extremely unlikely that our ability to provide you with a payout will be impaired. B e aware of currency risk. Our fund offering includes funds that invest or trade in another currency, so that depending on the fund(s) you select the final return you will get depends on the exchange rate between the two currencies. This risk is not considered in the indicator shown above. This product does not include any protection from future market performance so you could lose some or all of your investment. P erformance Scenarios
The performance of the product is determined by the performance of the fund(s) you select. On the one hand, you benefit directly from the performance of the fund(s), while on the other, you bear the full investment risk. What happens if PrismaLife AG is unable to pay out? Under Liechtenstein law, the policy assets saved in your insurance policy constitute ring-fenced assets. Only you have access to them. This also applies if PrismaLife AG becomes insolvent out of regular reasons What are the costs?
The costs associated with the investment can vary depending on the underlying fund(s). Specific information on the funds can be found at . The Reduction in Yield (RIY) shows what impact the total costs you pay will have on the investment return you might get. The total costs take into account one-off, ongoing and incidental costs. The amounts shown here are the cumulative costs of the product itself, for three different holding periods. They include potential early exit penalties. The figures assume you invest 10.000 EUR once. The figures are estimates and may change in the future. Cost over Time
Investment 10.000 EUR
If you cash in
If you cash in
If you cash in after 1 year after 10 years after 20 years Total costs
1.434 - 1.784 EUR
1.195 - 5.281 EUR
817 - 10.686 EUR
Impact on return (RIY) per year 14,7 % - 18,2 %
1,3 % - 4,7 %
0,5 % - 3,9 %
The person selling you or advising you about this product may charge you other costs. If so, this person will provide you with information about these costs, and show you the impact that all costs will have on your investment over time. Composition of Costs
The table below shows: the impact each year of the different types of costs on the investment return you might get at the end of the recommended holding period; the meaning of the different cost categories. This table shows the impact on return per year Entry costs
0,3 % - 0,3 % The impact of the costs you pay when entering your investment. The impact of the costs is already included in the price. This is the most One-off you will pay, and you could pay less. This includes the costs of costs distribution of your product. Exit costs
0,0 % The impact of the costs of exiting your investment when it matures. Portfolio
-0,8 % - 1,1 % The impact of the costs of us buying and selling underlying investments Ongoing transaction costs for the product. costs Other ongoing costs
0,7% - 3,2 % The impact of the costs that we take each year for managing 1 your investments and the costs presented in Section II . The actual costs may differ from the costs shown above, as they depend, for example, on your personal investment amount or the options you choose. How long should I hold it and can I take money out early? Recommended holding period: 20 years You are entitled to cancel the contract within 30 days (see also information according to section 35 paragraph 2 of the General Terms and Conditions). You can find more details in the Statutory Notice and Notice of Cancellation in your application. In terms of the investment horizon, insurance investment products that provide for long-term asset accumulation are geared towards the end of the duration of the contract. We recommend that you hold the product until the agreed end of the duration of the contract. The calculations are based on holding periods of a maximum of 20 years. Premature cancellation of your insurance policy is possible after the first insurance year. Notice of cancellation will take effect at the end of the insurance month, five Liechtenstein working days after we receive it. You will then receive the surrender value that applies at that point in time. For further information, please refer to section 36 of the General Terms and Conditions, which you will receive when you take the policy out. How can I complain?
If you have a complaint about the product, your intermediary or the insurance company, you can call our helpline 00423 (0) 220 01 01. You can also lodge a complaint on our website at, by mail (PrismaLife AG, Industriering 40, 9491 Ruggell, Liechtenstein) or by sending us an email E-Mail schreiben. If your complaint is not dealt with to your satisfaction, you can contact the Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services, First Floor, St Calcedonius Square, Floriana FRN5130, Malta or by visiting Other relevant information
You can find other relevant information in the personal offer that we will be happy to prepare for you. Upon conclusion of the contract, you will receive important information, to which you are entitled by law in the following documents, the policy, the General Terms and Conditions, the Statutory Notice and the Notice of Cancellation. In derogation of the value stated here (legal requirement), the product can only be concluded for a single premium of at least 30.000 EUR. In case of securities transactions carried out within the funds, the quotations at the time of order placement may differ from the quotations at the time of execution. This may also result in negative transaction costs. 1See
Section "What is this product?".