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scientist salaries Vaud

Annual Gross Salary

Median based on 96 salary entriesCHF 90 000
2% earn betweenCHF 38 400 and CHF 40 000
1% earn betweenCHF 46 000 and CHF 46 000
4% earn betweenCHF 50 000 and CHF 55 000
4% earn betweenCHF 67 000 and CHF 72 000
19% earn betweenCHF 75 190 and CHF 82 500
14% earn betweenCHF 84 000 and CHF 86 149
23% earn betweenCHF 88 000 and CHF 94 500
median CHF 90 000
17% earn betweenCHF 98 000 and CHF 106 000
6% earn betweenCHF 109 000 and CHF 115 000
4% earn betweenCHF 118 000 and CHF 123 000
3% earn betweenCHF 130 000 and CHF 130 000
1% earn betweenCHF 135 200 and CHF 135 200
1% earn betweenCHF 140 000 and CHF 140 000
1% earn betweenCHF 147 000 and CHF 147 000
Updated 10 days ago

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Salary by age & gender

Salary data is categorised by age and gender, offering insights into salary trends and differences among age groups and genders.

Age & Gender

scientist, Vaud

Men: 16-25median CHF 0
Women: 16-25median CHF 0
Men: 25-35median CHF 85 243
Women: 25-35median CHF 85 243
Men: 35-45median CHF 90 400
Women: 35-45median CHF 90 400
Men: 45-55median CHF 118 000
Women: 45-55median CHF 116 500
Men: 55+median CHF 0
Women: 55+median CHF 147 000
median CHF 90 000

Salary by work experience

The graph shows how the number of years working as a scientist relates to income levels.

Individuals starting with no experience in the field can expect to earn an annual salary of CHF 81 450. The graph also shows that the highest expected salary for this profession is CHF 135 200 per year.

Salary by work experience

scientist, Vaud

0-2 yearsmedian CHF 81 450
3-5 yearsmedian CHF 88 000
6-8 yearsmedian CHF 90 900
9-11 yearsmedian CHF 93 448
12-21 yearsmedian CHF 98 500
21+ yearsmedian CHF 135 200
median CHF 90 000

salary progression through years of experience

Salary trend

The graph shows how salaries for scientist have changed over time.

In 2017-2019, the annual median salary was CHF 90 400. From 2020-2022, the median salary reached its highest at CHF 98 500 per year.

Salary trend

scientist, Vaud

2017-2019 yearsmedian CHF 90 400
2020-2022 yearsmedian CHF 98 500
2023-2025 yearsmedian CHF 90 000
median CHF 90 000

Highest-Paying industries

The highest paying industry for a scientist is Agriculture / Forestry / Wood, with an average salary of CHF 200 000 annually. Followed by Information technology / Telecom and Industry various industries. Remember that significant variations between companies within a single industry can exist.

Highest-Paying industries for scientist, Vaud


Median salary



  1. Agriculture / Forestry / Wood
    CHF 200 000Set up Job Alert
  2. Information technology / Telecom
    CHF 120 0003 jobs
  3. Industry various
    CHF 97 50030 jobs
  4. Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals
    CHF 94 0005 jobs
  5. Utilities
    CHF 93 448Set up Job Alert
  6. Legal / Business advice
    CHF 90 000Set up Job Alert
  7. Health care / Social services
    CHF 87 03516 jobs
  8. Medical Technology
    CHF 85 2211 job
  9. Education
    CHF 85 0705 jobs
  10. Public administration / Associations
    CHF 78 0001 job

Salary by cantons for scientist

The top two high-paying cantons for scientist are Aargau and Berne. Salaries vary per canton depending on the local job market and industry trends.




CHF 87 302

median salary

Salary by canton


Aargaumedian CHF 102 200
Appenzell IRmedian CHF 0
Appenzell ARmedian CHF 0
Bernemedian CHF 100 180
Basel Landmedian CHF 90 000
Basel-Stadtmedian CHF 92 028
Fribourgmedian CHF 0
Genevamedian CHF 85 500
Glarusmedian CHF 0
Grisonsmedian CHF 0
Juramedian CHF 0
Lucernemedian CHF 0
Neuchâtelmedian CHF 0
Nidwaldenmedian CHF 0
Obwaldenmedian CHF 0
St. Gallenmedian CHF 0
Schaffhausenmedian CHF 0
Solothurnmedian CHF 0
Schwyzmedian CHF 0
Thurgaumedian CHF 0
Ticinomedian CHF 0
Urimedian CHF 0
Vaudmedian CHF 90 000
Valaismedian CHF 93 500
Zugmedian CHF 0
Zurichmedian CHF 96 750
median CHF 87 302