Salary data is categorised by age and gender, offering insights into salary trends and differences among age groups and genders.
Age & Gender
analyste développeur web, Berne
Men: 16-25median CHF 85 615
Women: 16-25median CHF 85 615
Men: 25-35median CHF 85 615
Women: 25-35median CHF 109 587
Men: 35-45median CHF 88 400
Women: 35-45median CHF 0
Men: 45-55median CHF 53 466
Women: 45-55median CHF 0
Men: 55+median CHF 125 130
Women: 55+median CHF 0
median CHF 86 822
Salary by work experience
The graph shows how the number of years working as a analyste développeur web relates to income levels.
Individuals starting with no experience in the field can expect to earn an annual salary of CHF 53 107. The graph also shows that the highest expected salary for this profession is CHF 89 200 per year.
Salary by work experience
analyste développeur web, Berne
0-2 yearsmedian CHF 85 615
3-5 yearsmedian CHF 87 129
6-8 yearsmedian CHF 89 200
9-11 yearsmedian CHF 78 712
12-21 yearsmedian CHF 88 400
21+ yearsmedian CHF 53 107
median CHF 86 822
salary progression through years of experience
Salary trend
The graph shows how salaries for analyste développeur web have changed over time.
In 2020-2022, the annual median salary was CHF 87 019. From 2017-2019, the median salary reached its highest at CHF 88 908 per year.
The highest paying industry for a analyste développeur web is Legal / Business advice, with an average salary of CHF 131 715 anually. Followed by Transport / Logistics and Consumer / Luxury goods industry industries. Remember that significant variations between companies within a single industry can exist.
Highest-Paying industries for analyste développeur web, Berne
Median salary
Legal / Business advice
CHF 131 715Set up Job Alert
Transport / Logistics
CHF 109 587Set up Job Alert
Consumer / Luxury goods industry
CHF 102 738Set up Job Alert
Banking / Financial institutions
CHF 102 200Set up Job Alert
Consulting various
CHF 98 786Set up Job Alert
Service sector in general
CHF 88 4002 jobs
Information technology / Telecom
CHF 86 7112 jobs
CHF 80 478Set up Job Alert
Public administration / Associations
CHF 79 029Set up Job Alert
Health care / Social services
CHF 75 400Set up Job Alert
Salary by cantons for analyste développeur web
The top two high-paying cantons for analyste développeur web are Zurich and Berne. Salaries vary per canton depending on the local job market and industry trends.