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Eugen Seitz AG

Eugen Seitz AG

Eugen Seitz AG ist ein auf hochwertige Produkte im Bereich der Ventiltechnologie spezialisiertes Unternehmen mit insgesamt 100 Mitarbeitenden. Unsere Produkte werden für verschiedenste Anwendungsgebiete, insbesondere für Maschinen zur Herstellung von PET-Flaschen, für Gasturbinen, Kraftwerke, Grossdieselmotoren und Erdgastankstellen entwickelt, produziert und vertrieben. Unsere Hightech-Komponenten und Systemlösungen kommen weltweit zum Einsatz. Als 100% Schweizer Unternehmen, mit Wurzeln im Zürcher Oberland und einem internationalen Kundennetz, bietet das Unternehmen Mitarbeitenden alle Vorteile eines unabhängigen Familienunternehmens, dazu gehören nebst einer schlanken Organisation, kurze Entscheidungswege sowie viele Freiheiten, die Raum für Kreativität und Innovation bieten.

Key information

3 reviews

Healthy SMEs in upheaval


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

13 March 2019

This works well in the company

A company in upheaval that involves its employees. Good working atmosphere.

This could be improved

Communication could be improved. News could be spread faster.

Translated from German

Employer comment

14 November 2019

Dear employee(s)/employee(s) Yes, we are in a transformation and have the ambition to shape this process together. Improving communication is a high priority for us - I hope you can feel it now through the different formats (espresso with GL, new intranet, chat with GL). Best regards Jochen Christoph CFO & Head Corporate Development

Translated from German

Loyal employer with a family corporate culture


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

01 February 2019

This works well in the company

- family and collegial working atmosphere - versatile and interesting task - flexible working hours (possibility of home office) - many benefits and generous social benefits

This could be improved

- Process optimizations (initiated with digitization)

Translated from German

Employer comment

14 November 2019

Dear employee(s)/employee(s) Thank you for sharing your positive impressions with us. In fact, there are still many processes that can be optimized with the support of digital tools. For an SME of our size, we have already reached a considerable level - but of course this does not prevent us from wanting to become even better! Friendly greetings Jochen Christoph CFO & Head Corporate Development

Translated from German

No wage increase in the last 10 years

Former employee

11 October 2018

Modern SME, with very loyal employees, profit sharing, but never real wage increase, too large management / board of directors. Two-class mentality very pronounced. Lower wage classes Working with time recording approx. 60 percent of the workforce. Not rest, home office for parts of the employees. Increase of the weekly working time to 42 hours due to Franconia/Euro low, will never be refunded!

Translated from German

Employer comment

14 November 2019

Dear former employee Thank you very much for your feedback. Over the past 10 years, we have repeatedly increased wages on an individual basis but not as a lump sum - as is now the case with the majority of Swissmem SMEs. All employees also participated in the positive development of the company through profit-sharing. Unfortunately, all companies producing in Switzerland still suffer from the franc/euro ratio and can only compensate for this through higher productivity. From your point of view, home office and no time recording are advantages granted to many employees. This is not true: Homeoffice = work and employees without time recording do not get their overtime paid. Best regards Jochen Christoph CFO & Head Corporate Development

Translated from German

Overall ratings

Based on 3 reviews
5 stars33%4 stars33%3 stars0%2 stars33%1 star0%
  • Management style
  • Salary and benefits
  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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