Unlimited employment
SwissCo Services AG / Aenova Group
This company doesn't have a description yet
20 July 2024July 2024
1. employee offers: - Free coffee and water: the company offers free coffee and water, which contributes to employee satisfaction and well-being. - FELFEL snacks and drinks: By providing snacks and drinks, the working environment is made more pleasant. 2. cohesion and culture: - Travel: Joint trips promote team cohesion and strengthen the sense of community. - Per-du culture: An informal "per-du" culture promotes an open and friendly working atmosphere that reduces hierarchies and facilitates communication. 3. health and wellness programs: - Yoga classes: Providing yoga classes supports the physical and mental well-being of employees. - Psychological support: Visits to a psychologist are offered and partially paid for, which promotes the mental health of employees. - Massages: The opportunity to visit a masseur supports physical relaxation and general well-being.
1. communication within the team: -Problem: Communication with each other is often poor or even silent. There is a lot of gossiping or untruths are told to make oneself look better. -Solution: Introduction of regular team meetings and feedback rounds to promote open and honest communication. Workshops on effective communication and teamwork could strengthen cooperation and trust. 2. induction process: -Problem: Induction is rough, you are thrown in at the deep end. - Solution: Develop a structured induction program that introduces new employees step by step. A mentoring system could provide additional support and ensure fast, effective induction. 3. leadership behavior: - Problem: The manager is arrogant and often talks down to employees. Demonstrations of power are exercised. -Solution: Managers should attend training courses on empathic and respectful leadership. A coaching program could improve leadership skills and develop a better understanding of employees' needs. Regular feedback from employees could provide valuable insights and improve leadership behavior. 4. acceptance of new ideas: -Problem: It is not welcomed that employees want to bring in new ideas or improve the work. Long-term employees are not open to new ideas or suggestions for improvement. - Solution: Promote a culture of openness and continuous learning by encouraging all employees to contribute new ideas. Training on willingness to change could help to break down prejudices. Introduce an anonymous suggestion scheme to ensure that new ideas are evaluated fairly. Long-serving employees could be involved in mentoring roles to share their experience while remaining open to new ideas.
Translated from German
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