Company Profile

With over 150 employees in Zurich and 50 in Bern / Basel, as well as permanent bases in Chur, Lausanne and Lugano, Citytrans has a unique team in the Swiss express logistics market. We are large enough to cover even supra-regional needs professionally and reliably. And dynamic enough to implement ev...

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3.5 ★

Employees (0)

Candidates (0)

Others (2)

5 stars1
4 stars0
3 stars0
2 stars1
1 star0

Translated from German

07 July 2023

Former employee

Growing company

This works well in the company

Good drive - everything fits within the team. A company with an exciting future.

This could be improved

The company is growing and growing... there's always something to improve.

Translated from German

04 August 2023

Former employee


This works well in the company

The management staff does a very good job. The control staff and direct contact with employees is like being in another company. You want to upgrade...

This could be improved

Hiring with a condition after three months extension and work from the first day 80% to 100% and dismissal after two weeks when the staff returned from vacation. After dismissal request for re-hiring with 40%....


Citytrans GmbH

Av. des Baumettes 9
1020 Renens