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Unlimited employment
EPAM Systems (Switzerland) GmbH
This company doesn't have a description yet
20 August 2023August 2023
There are some things that work well within the company, albeit for a very narrow range of values of "well". The Swiss internal HR employees ensure to take great pains to be seen to be following the local labor legislation, and ensuring that nothing more than the absolute minimums are given to other employees, thus ensuring the maximum profitability to the company. There's often a pleasant veneer to the company's interactions with the employees. Working for this company would often be considered to be a better option than unemployment.
There's a lot of scope for improvements in EPAM, certainly as seen from the view of the client-sited employee After over three years of observing the deficiencies and problems extant within the Swiss branch of the company, I can offer these suggestions as concrete items that will improve the working experience at EPAM, and reduce the currently high turnover of skilled and competent employees: 1. Pay at or above the market rates for the roles performed at the client sites. Currently this company pays in the region of 20% under for the client roles performed by EPAM employees. 2. Ensure that the internal Swiss management and HR are better trained on how to perform their roles and duties to understand the human impact their decisions have nd that this training is actually put into practice. 3. When the Swiss branch talks about to company putting people first, and being mindful of the environment, make sure that the actions of the company actually follow those premises. For example, provide public transport travelcards to your staff. 4. When the internal HR employees are trying to communicate with other employees, they should ensure to be timely and accurate with those communications, and not to be ambiguous. 5. With the annual performance bonus, the complete process should be transparent and consistent, as this process is currently very obscured with no possibility of clarifications. 6. Try not to have too many client-sited employees under each line manager that is also required to be a revenue generating client-sited employee, as that workload increase does mean those lower management people cannot be effective in their role. 7. It should be ensured that the Swiss HR employees know in detail the roles and responsibilities that the client-sited employees are actually performing. The Swiss HR department does not currently have that knowledge. I can easily specify a number of other improvements, but the details of those would not allow my continued anonymity.
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23 November 2022November 2022
Some trainings and courses were useful, probably that's all.
Improve work environment (which was unpleasant) and managerial practices, increase salaries, care about employees
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23 January 2020January 2020
After the company made the decision to hire me, they were really putting in effort to convince me to join which was highly appreciated. The company made me feel very welcome when I started. Since then I met a large amount of energized and dedicated people which are working hard to make a difference. The past growth and the current and future potential for the company is huge which creates a highly dynamic and optimistic atmosphere. On the other side many of the people I meet are for a long time with the company which shows, that the organization takes care of the employees and provides potential for growth and development. Overall I strongly recommend EPAM as an employer.
The hiring process was rather complex. The organizational structure is not very straight forward and full of exceptions - partly the structure is built around the people. This makes it not easy for new joiners to quickly find their way around.
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