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Weischer.Cinema Schweiz GmbH

Ein grosses Ziel: Jede Werbekampagne nahtlos in das emotionalste aller Werbeumfelder zu integrieren – das Kino. Es braucht weit mehr als eine «Irgendwas mit Medien»-Mentalität, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Damit es gelingt, bietet Weischer.Cinema Schweiz GmbH, die Teil von Weischer, einem der führenden Medienunternehmen in D-A-CH, ist, seit 2012 die beste Beratung und individuellste Planung von Werbeplatzierungen im Kino, Digital-Out-of-Home. Auch der Einkauf und die Optimierung der Werbeflächen für eine zielgenaue Kampagnensteuerung ist essenziell, um die grösste Wirkung zu entfalten. Die Weischer.Cinema Schweiz GmbH greift auf ein breites Portfolio an Kinowerbeflächen in der gesamten Schweiz zurück. Das heisst: Leinwände, Screens in den Foyers, alle Kinozielgruppen und alle Medien der Kinowelt. So entfaltet jede Kinokampagne die beste Werbewirkung. Für alle.

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13 reviews

No Go


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Current employeePermanent

23 March 2022

This works well in the company

Unfortunately too little!!!! So pity but it is so. The basic wage so low rather said 40% fixed wage rest commission very old fashionable.

This could be improved

Various places wage base wage and mirmt the new wage model very difficult. Commissions run over the contract period not in the next month everything is paid out.

Translated from German

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Good working atmosphere, family environment


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Current employeePermanent

25 November 2019

This works well in the company

Very familiar environment, you are appreciated as an employee. Proposals for solutions to achieve common goals are also welcome.

This could be improved

The constant in life is change. Therefore, improvements and changes are always a topic of discussion. At some point there is certainly still room for improvement, and in others WerbeWeischer is already well on its way from my point of view.

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Change of coach necessary


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Current employeePermanent

29 April 2019

This works well in the company

Unfortunately not much, although one sells an exciting product, one still works like 20 years ago.

This could be improved

Instead of employees, the supervisor should be dismissed or replaced even in football a coach change miracle causes. Since the takeovers, a large part of the best sellers have been burned in the AD sale because MS is being worked stubbornly according to a scheme. Change or success will not happen

Translated from German

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Overall ratings

Based on 13 reviews
5 stars31%4 stars23%3 stars8%2 stars31%1 star8%
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