The Swiss Science Center, Technorama, offers an unique experimental field, which allow all visitors, irrespective of age and background, the opportunity to get to know natural phenomena in an informal, hands-on, self-directed way.
There are many institutions worldwide which describe themselves as “science centres”, whose offerings may differ markedly. You can find out what are the most important characteristics of Technorama’s philosophy on the page “A science centre” on this website.
With its over 500 exhibits (experiment stations) and wide-ranging lab facilities, Technorama is is one of the largest and – and on account of its quality and its exemplary informal educational function – most renowned science centres in the world. Every year, Technorama welcomes more than a quarter of a million visitors!
Our vision
Everything the Swiss Science Center, Technorama does is based on the way in which science can best be appreciated, taught and learnt: It awakens in the public a curiosity, understanding and enthusiasm for scientific phenomena as well as a healthy questioning attitude, Provides teachers with training in the principles of science education, Complements schools’ curriculum with its unique experimental and laboratory resources.
For all visitors
Technorama provides an informal personal contact with natural phenomena, so that real experience replaces dry fact-learning. This experiencing of phenomena with all the senses is an absolute necessity for real learning, and the essential basis for later theoretical treatment.
The exhibits allow the visitor to “come to grips” – in both senses of the words – with the world. Every person with a spark of curiosity will be unavoidably confronted with astonishing “Eureka!” moments of awareness, so that this almost playful experimenting produces an increasing enthusiasm for the sciences and their applications.
For schoolchildren
With over 60,000 schoolchildren in organised groups visiting Technorama each year, we are by far the most popular out-of-school science learning institution in all Switzerland.
The Youth Laboratory, with its Kitchen, Chemistry and Atom labs, the numerous experiment stations for biology, physics, and the most modern visualisation technology, provides an environment which develops the familiarity with quantitative scientific work in a relaxed atmosphere.
For teachers
Our schools service supports teachers with a comprehensive range of continuing education in communicating science and is involved in national initiatives aimed at improving science education. In particular they are keen to facilitate teaching in the primary school sector, since this is where the largest deficit exists, and it is imperative to enthuse chidren with scientific and technical ideas as early as possible. Every year, more than 1,000 teachers attended Technorama’s in-service.
The Swiss Science Center Technorama in numbers
- Exhibition space: 7.000 m2
- Experiment stations: over 500
- Visitors: over 260.000
- Employees (total/full-time): 120/70
Legal Structure
The Swiss Science Centre Technorama is directed by the Technorama Foundation.