Die Messer Schweiz AG mit Sitz in Lenzburg und Niederlassung in Lonay beschäftigt rund 120 Mitarbeitende in verschiedenen Berufen. Das Unternehmen besteht aus dem Flaschenabfüllwerk mit Produktionsanlage für Wasserstoff und Spezialgasewerk am Hauptsitz in Lenzburg und einer Luftzerlegungsanlage für Stickstoff, Sauerstoff und Argon in Visp. Sie produziert und liefert Gase für die Industrie, Medizin, Pharma, Lebensmittel, Chemie, Umwelt und Labore sowie für die Forschung.
Messer Schweiz ist eine Tochterfirma der Messer SE & Co. KGaA, dem weltweit grössten eigentümergeführten Industriegaseunternehmen. Das Unternehmen ist nach allen wichtigen Qualitätsnormen, wie ISO 9001:2015, ISO 13485:2016 mit EG-Zertifikat gemäss Anhang II.3 der EG-RL 93/42/EWG für medizinische Gasversorgungssysteme, ISO 17025, ISO 17034, ISO Guide 34, ISO 22000:2018 zertifiziert.
The company has grown in recent years and offers secure jobs. The openness for change is very noticeable, I was able to contribute ideas and made my work exciting. The working atmosphere was pleasant and cooperative.
This could be improved
It would be great if the top boss paid the same attention to all departments. The flow of information could be better and not only when rumours are spread.
Translated from German
Employer comment
28 March 2024March 2024
Thank you for your feedback. We are always happy to receive suggestions. We always see this as an opportunity to improve and develop further. Even today, we can confirm that we can offer secure jobs in a sustainable and economically stable industry.
Translated from German
Very good employer!!!
Salary and benefits
Management style
Working atmosphere
Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent
28 February 2019February 2019
This works well in the company
Here, the customer is still seen as a partner and accordingly, great value is placed on the quality of the products and services. The customer segment in the gas industry is so diverse that no two days are the same - a lot of variety is guaranteed!
Very collegial and social interaction with each other and this is positively exemplified by the bosses - cooperative management style (employee-oriented).
In a nutshell:
It's a pleasure to work for such a great company.
This could be improved
One could possibly invest more in marketing. Drive and implement innovations faster.
Translated from German
Employer comment
13 March 2019March 2019
Thank you very much for the feedback. We are happy to read such positive words and welcome your suggestions. We always see this as an opportunity to improve and develop ourselves further.