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Ziegelei Rapperswil Louis Gasser AG

Ziegelei Rapperswil Louis Gasser AG

Gasser als Arbeitgeber: Unsere Werte sind mindestens so stark wie unsere Produkte Der Anspruch an unsere Tonprodukte ist kompromisslos: Spitzenqualität. Diesen erfüllen wir dank unserem wichtigsten Gut: unseren Mitarbeitenden. Im Familienunternehmen Gasser Ceramic zählt der Faktor Mensch besonders – denn unsere Werte sind mindestens so stark wie unsere Produkte. Weshalb das so ist? Weil wir uns bewusst sind, dass zufriedene, motivierte und engagierte Mitarbeitende ein zentraler Bestandteil unseres Erfolgs sind. Darum setzen wir bei Gasser Ceramic auf Wertschätzung, Respekt und Ehrlichkeit. Nur so erreichen wir eine Loyalität gegenüber dem Unternehmen, deren Wert in keiner Währung beziffert werden kann.

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Gasser Ceramic Imagefilm DE

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2 reviews



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Current employeePermanent

23 February 2023

This works well in the company

Good quality Swiss products. Added value in Switzerland.

This could be improved

Unfortunately, recycling is written in small letters. Employees are not promoted or are promoted poorly where there is potential. The atmosphere in the teams is sometimes very bad. Teamwork is also very poor in some cases.

Translated from German

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Interesting activities


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Former employeePermanent

13 May 2020

This works well in the company

Very good and qualitative products from natural raw materials

This could be improved

More social competence, more genuine interest in the employee, more training in the area of leading and promoting employees. The working atmosphere is very dependent on the abbey, in most departments the management is very hierarchical, no teamwork.

Translated from German

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  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
  • Thank all reviewers, even for negative feedback, and show empathy
  • Offer help and solutions, taking responsibility for any issues
  • Share your perspective if you disagree

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Overall ratings

Based on 2 reviews
5 stars0%4 stars0%3 stars0%2 stars100%1 star0%
  • Management style
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  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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