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Lehner Versand AG

Lehner Versand AG

Die Lehner Versand AG ist nicht nur DAS Schweizer Versandhaus, sondern auch eines der letzten Versandhäuser in Familienbesitz. Die Geschichte des Familienunternehmens begann bereits 1983 und ist von stetigem Wachstum geprägt. Aus dem einstigen kleinen Laden in Zürich ist ein Unternehmen entstanden, das heute rund 270 Mitarbeitende beschäftigt und über neun Direktverkaufsstellen in Schenkon (LU), Granges-Paccot (FR), Wil (SG), Hägendorf (SO), Münsingen (BE), Spiez (BE), Visp (VS), Landquart (GR) und Frauenfeld (TG) verfügt. Nicht nur die Standorte, sondern auch das Sortiment wurde kontinuierlich erweitert. Neben den ursprünglichen Bereichen „Arbeitsbekleidung“ und „Bettwäsche“ – das Sortiment, in dem Lehner Versand auch heute noch das führende Versandhaus in der Schweiz ist – wurden im Laufe der Zeit auch Mode- und Freizeitbekleidung sowie Haus & Hobby Artikel wie z.B. Gartenmöbel oder Fitnessgeräte in das Angebot aufgenommen. Wir bieten spannende Stellen im Bereich der Logistik, des Verkaufs oder der Administration. Ein guter Umgang und ein motiviertes wertschätzendes Verhalten zeichnen uns aus. Sind Sie auf der Suche nach einem neuen passenden Job? Dann prüfen Sie unsere aktuellen Vakanzen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme und geben gerne weitere Auskünfte!

10 job offers

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10 reviews

Varied tasks


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

05 May 2022

This works well in the company

As a new employee, you are introduced to the tasks in a safe and structured way. The training goes over the entire activities so that you feel confident in performing the tasks. After a short time, you are given other tasks, which make the daily routine more varied. In addition, you are already assigned to various responsibilities.

This could be improved

The contact between the different departments could be promoted more. Because the correct communication with different areas is important.

Translated from German

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Good further training opportunities


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

04 May 2022

This works well in the company

I find that the communication and cooperation in the company works very well. They support all employees and provide the necessary means for people to get good training. (e.g. French course, telephone course, several product trainings etc.).

This could be improved

At the moment I have no suggestions for improvement, I am very happy the way things are going now.

Translated from German

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  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
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Dedicated Swiss family business


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

03 May 2022

This works well in the company

I am very proud to work for a Swiss family business with over 300 employees. The working conditions are pleasant and the DU culture in particular creates closeness at all levels. Festivities for employees are held regularly and are always organized with a lot of heart and soul. Commitment has a high priority. Lehner Versand not only cares about the environment, but also about the region.

This could be improved

In such a large company, communication is often a very big challenge. Especially interdepartmental information flow falters at times.

Translated from German

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  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
  • Thank all reviewers, even for negative feedback, and show empathy
  • Offer help and solutions, taking responsibility for any issues
  • Share your perspective if you disagree

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Overall ratings

Based on 10 reviews
5 stars20%4 stars70%3 stars0%2 stars0%1 star10%
  • Management style
  • Salary and benefits
  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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