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Kantonale Verwaltung Basel-Landschaft

Kantonale Verwaltung Basel-Landschaft

Über uns: Die kantonale Verwaltung Basel-Landschaft ist die grösste Arbeitgeberin im Kanton. Verteilt auf fünf Direktionen, die Landeskanzlei und die Gerichte arbeiten hier über 6'000 Personen in unterschiedlichen Berufen, vielfältigen Fachgebieten und mit grosser Erfahrung im Dienst der Allgemeinheit. Tag für Tag setzt dieses grosse Team seine geballte Arbeitskraft und seine breit gefächerte Kompetenz für die Bevölkerung und die Wirtschaft ein. So tragen wir zu einem guten Lebensstandard bei und fördern die Attraktivität des Kantons. Mehr erfahren: Beim Kanton Basel-Landschaft … … arbeite ich an spannenden und vielseitigen Projekten. … macht meine Arbeit Sinn und bringt einen Mehrwert für die Gesellschaft. … kann ich mich beruflich weiterbilden und vorwärtskommen. … kann ich mich persönlich entwickeln und wachsen. … hat mit flexibler Arbeitszeit mein Privatleben Platz neben dem Job. … gibt es Möglichkeiten, Teilzeit zu arbeiten. … werde ich in Entscheide einbezogen. … wird mit mir klar kommuniziert und Prozesse sind klar geregelt. Mehr erfahren:

7 reviews

Difficult application process


  • Job description
  • Application process
  • Personalized answer
  • Response time

12 August 2023

This works well in the company

It took me several weeks to receive a response to my application, but then the application process went very quickly.

This could be improved

In my view, the application process was very outdated. For example, I was invited to an (unpaid) trial day, which does not correspond to current practice on the labor market. I also find it difficult to reject a young applicant because after the second interview she asks for a reflection period of 1 week before deciding on the job. Unfortunately, HR was not involved at all in the interview.

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Good working atmosphere with some construction sites


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Former employeeApprenticeship

11 August 2023

This works well in the company

The working atmosphere was very human and pleasant in many departments.

This could be improved

There is room for improvement in many places and not every department is the same. Nevertheless, there are some very capable and competent employees and I was able to learn a lot during my apprenticeship and enjoyed it very much.

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Solid employer with meaningful jobs


  • Salary and benefits
  • Management style
  • Working atmosphere
  • Career opportunities
Current employeePermanent

19 July 2023

This works well in the company

There are many meaningful jobs. The BL administration is in a state of flux and is constantly adapting its working conditions and benefits. Work-life balance is taken seriously. Home office is easily possible, as is part-time work.

This could be improved

There are a lot of projects going on. On the one hand, the project work is exciting, but it can also lead to extra work if it has to be done in addition to existing tasks.

Translated from German

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  • React promptly and professionally, without anger
  • Thank all reviewers, even for negative feedback, and show empathy
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Overall ratings

Based on 7 reviews
5 stars14%4 stars14%3 stars14%2 stars14%1 star43%
  • Management style
  • Salary and benefits
  • Career opportunities
  • Working atmosphere

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