Published: 13 November 2024
Marketing Experte 80-100% (alle)
Employees (0)
Candidates (0)
Others (11)
Translated from German
07 March 2023
The vision is exciting and brings with it a lot of possibilities in how far you like to do well in a very serious, dry as well as political environment.
For the time being, I found the initial meeting to be positive. This took place virtually and lasted a reasonable 45 minutes. I was invited to the second interview in the time frame for 1.5h. This was with 4 people, including 3 from GL. Since I have been working in HR for years, I expect an exchange, tour and visit of the workplace at a second interview with 4 people involved. Instead, a dreary meeting room awaited me in which I was circled with the people involved as well as felt cramped right from the start. A dry, cold as well as tense atmosphere prevailed throughout the entire time. I was not offered water at the beginning, there was no short "loosening up small talk" ; pretty quickly the questioning and "drilling" started. No space was left for an exchange; it was purely a matter of pestering me with questions. Some of the questions were extremely insensitive as well as absolutely pointless, and obviously served to make me feel insecure. During the entire time, I felt extremely uncomfortable and, towards the end, correspondingly exhausted. I felt as if I were in a police interrogation, coupled with expert questions that were like an oral final exam. I have been recruiting myself for many years and this was by far the worst experience of any recruiting process. Very unfortunate, because the vision of GWF AG is very exciting as such. Conclusion: if you have such conversations, you don't have to be surprised about the lack of skilled workers in your own company. After all, the recruiting process is also the company's business card for candidates.
31 January 2023
Former employee
Es isch bedauerlich, dass d' aktuälle Führungsstrategie im Unternehmen dazu führt, dass d' Mitarbeiter iberlaste und micromanagt fühle. Das cha eini negativi Auswirkig uf d' Arbeitszufriedeheit und d' Arbeitsklima haa. Eini unterstützendi und befähigendi Führungsstrategie, wo d' Beiträg vo jedem einzälne Mitarbeiter erkännt und schätzt, cha eini positiv und produktiv Arbeitsumfeld schaffe. I hoffe, dass das Unternehmen Schritt macht, um das Problem z'ännerne und eini Führungskultur z'schaffe, wo d' Wohl und d' Erfolg vo de Mitarbeiter im Vordergrund stoht.
Es isch bedauerlich, dass das Unternehmen nit gnueg Reschource in d' Schulig und Entwicklig vo seine Mitarbeiter investiert. Das cha das Wachstum und de Erfolg vo bäide, Mitarbeiter und Unternehmen, beeinträchtige. D' Investition in d' Mitarbeiterschulig cha dazu beiträge, eini positiv Arbeitsumfeld z'förderne, d' Arbeitszufriedenheit z'erhöhe und d' Arbeitsleistig z'verbesserne. I hoffe, dass das Unternehmen in Zuekunft d' Bedeutig vo de Mitarbeiterschulig erkännt und d' notwändige Reschource bereitstellt, um sie z'untästütze.
Translated from German
09 November 2021
Current employee
Evtl can you nen there the chamber fellowship! But more definitely not...
With the complete leadership! GWF has grown too fast and everyone, really everyone is completely overwhelmed. The management style leaves much to be desired, incompetent in all areas from HR to the carpet floor! New ERP introduced, which is no longer invisted!